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5 Movies From The '80s You Have To See

This is the ultimate list of movies, in my opinion, everyone HAS to see.


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Everyone has their favorite go-to movies. Whether they are action-packed Mark Wahlberg films or mushy-gushy classic Leo romances, every movie has it's significance to each person. This list of movies is my personal, ultimate list of movies that just happen to come straight from the 80s. If you haven't seen all, especially any of these movies, please relax, pop some popcorn, and treat yourself to some classics. And no, Breakfast Club IS NOT on this list!

1. Ferris Bueller's Day Off

A classic, this movie follows the life of a high schooler, Ferris Bueller, when he decides to trick his mother into believing he's sick. He skips class and takes the day off, sparking the beginning of a crazy, wild, and adventurous journey through Chicago. His getaway isn't so easy, though. His sister and his evil principal are determined to catch him in the act. This movie, produced in 1986 is a classic and is a great film to watch with your family. I remember watching this one with my mom during Christmas break one year and it made me laugh so hard, I dropped my popcorn all over the floor of the den! This one is a must-see.

2. Die Hard

My personal favorite Christmas movie; this film features Bruce Willis as he tries to save his estranged wife from terrorists when they take over an after-hours Christmas party at her office. John McClane (Bruce Willis) makes it his mission to bring his wife safely back home to his two young daughters. This is a classic action-packed love story with just the right amount of humor sprinkled in. This 1988 film will never go out of date and is an annual holiday tradition in my family.

3. 16 Candles

This movie features Molly Ringwald in her prime as she plays the role of Samantha, a teen who is just coming of age on her sixteenth birthday. Love-struck by her crush, Jake, she transforms from an insecure girl to a confident woman. This is my all time favorite movie and everyone should definitely give this movie a watch. It's a classic cliche 1984 high school love story that everyone hates but loves.

4. Raising Arizona

An original love story about a cop and a robber trying to start a family, gone wrong. When the couple realizes they are unable to have children, the robber steals a quadruplet to appease his policewoman wife. Unfortunately, trouble ensues when the child's rich family sends a dangerous bounty hunter after the couple. This is my mother's favorite movie and something she talks about on a daily basis. Definitely a 10/10.

5. Dead Poet's Society 

In this film, Robin Williams plays John Keating, a new English teacher at an all-boys private school. To his pupils' surprise, he is unlike all other teachers at this strict school. He takes his students outside, yells, dances, and even stands on desks. Mr. Keaton pushes his students to become men. This film follows a group of boys' journey and their transformation into active members of society. I mean, take my word for it Robin Williams is in it for Pete's sake!

So, there you go 5 of my all-time favorite movies that just so happen to be from 40 years ago. If you haven't seen some of these please do yourself and everyone else a favor and go check them out! You won't regret it!

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