"Game of Thrones" returns for its eighth and final season April 14th. If you're like me, you have been waiting what feels like years. If you've read the books, you've been waiting a lot longer, and applaud you for your patience. Here are a few things that you can do to prepare and wait for the final season to come out.
Rewatch the show.
Because you have probably forgotten some things that happened. Nobody wants to be a Jon Snow.
Read fan theories.
A lot of them are interesting, and it may make you look at the show in a whole new light.
Plan a premiere party with your friends or start making plans for your finale party.
Just make sure you pick the friends that won't talk the whole time. Nothing could possibly be more important than "Game of Thrones."
Make sure that there's enough food.
You're probably going to need some wine, too. Be sure to stock up.
Curate a "GoT" inspired outfit.
If you ever wanted to cosplay as Jon Snow, there is no time like the present to start creating one for the finale.
Learn dothraki.
"Anha zalak meme vallayafa yera, jin athvashar okrenegwini!" or, have fun storming the castle!
Make some bets.
Who's going to live? Who's going to get the throne? No one really knows, but it's fun to play your luck, especially after all the fan theories you've probably been reading.
Read the books!
It will take you forever, but there are so many more interesting storylines in the books, it's just a fact.