Nine Ways To $ave Dat Money. | The Odyssey Online
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Nine Ways To $ave Dat Money.

As described by the rapper, Lil Dicky.

Nine Ways To $ave Dat Money.

If there's one lesson we all learn at college, it's that you're always going to be broke. You're even broke if you have a job because let's face it, you're buying coffee, burritos, clothes and spending too much money at the bar on alcohol while paying your organization's dues and apartment's rent every semester.

So I think we all can take a hint from Lil Dicky's catchy, overplayed anthem "$ave Dat Money." We need to start putting that 20 dollar bill from grandma away in the savings account instead of turning it into this weekend's festivities. Let's be honest, it's time.

Here are some tips, as told by Lil Dicky, about how you, too, can save that hard-earned money:

1. Find free food.

This is the key to survival in college, and is more easily accessible than you may think.

"Free sandwiches, homie, two stamps away"

2. Reuse clothes.

Or better yet, borrow from your friends. You don't need a new crop top every weekend. Believe it or not, outfit repeaters often go unnoticed.

"I wear the same pair of jeans everyday"

3. Don't buy that extra shot.

Seriously, you know you don't need it.

"Do the math, I ain't never gettin' robbed

Those margaritas not goin' on my card"

4. Conserve energy.

When you leave your house, turn off the damn lights and the fans.

"Hit the (bleep) lights when I leave, homie"

5. Freeload on Netflix.

Use your parents', your roommates', your boyfriend/girlfriend's account and never pay a dollar for television again!

"I get logins for Netflix from my cousin Greg
Thanks Greg!"

6. Use the bank.

Fetty Wap's sole contribution to this song is the chorus and he may not practice what he preaches, but putting money into the bank is always a smart idea.

"Ay, where the dough at, baby?

In the bank, you know I ain't tryna blow that, baby"

7. Venmo is life.

It keeps track of what you spend and if you don't transfer money right away, it can stay in your account when you need it.

"Boy go hard when collecting, got Venmo"

8. Buy cheap food.

When you have a craving for takeout, make sure it's cheap and affordable. Like Chinese food or McDonald's.

"General Tso, half a dozen on the stick

Just so I can whet the appetite a bit"

9. Ask people for favors.

Lil Dicky made an entire music video with two of the hottest rappers right now and the song is making him ridiculously famous. He asked all of the people, venues and contributors to do it for free, and they did.

There you have it. These are some pretty stupid ways to save money, but at least we all got a kick out of Dicky's song for the past few months.

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