8 Times Michelle Obama Slayed The Fashion Scene In Her 8 Years As First Lady
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8 Times Michelle Obama Slayed The Fashion Scene In Her 8 Years As First Lady

She walked into and out of the White House in style!

8 Times Michelle Obama Slayed The Fashion Scene In Her 8 Years As First Lady
Elle Magazine

When Michelle Obama became the First Lady of the United States in 2008, she immediately gained the fashion community's vote for her all-American style. Throughout the last 8 years she stunned the crowd with her mesmerizing and captivating looks. She will always and forever be, America's First [Fashion Icon] Lady. Let's take a look at the last 8 years of Michelle Obama's beautiful fashion sense:

1. Inauguration Day 2009

Despite the cold, windy morning in Washington, D.C., Michelle donned a gold dress with a sparkly gold jacket. Designer Isabel Toledo knew what she was doing.

Fast forward to later that night where her Jason Wu white one shoulder gown wowed the crowd and this was one of many moments that kick-started Mrs. Obama's career as a fashion icon.

2. White House Correspondents Dinner 2010

Doesn't Mrs. Obama look radiant in red? This Prabal Gurung gown was one of the top highlights from the Correspondents Dinner that night. Gurung told The Huffington Post, "I thought it would perfectly enhance the type of woman she is. It’s modern, not vulgar, very chic, very beautiful.”

3. Queen Elizabeth's State Dinner 2011

Who says white dresses were only for brides (and the queen)? Michelle not only wowed the crowd at Buckingham Palace, but she wowed the whole world. She slayed this Tom Ford ivory dress with matching white gloves and silver clutch purse. Were all eyes on her husband and the queen that night? Odds are...no.

4. Democratic National Convention 2012

Michelle wore this when she made her speech at the DNC when husband Barrack was going after a second term. This Tracy Reese dress with J. Crew heels was beautiful. From a distance, the dress had a shimmering effect, like wet paint in a blast of unreadable pastels. The dress was sleeveless, as is Mrs. Obama’s signature, playing to her message of physical fitness.

5. Inauguration Ball 2013

Second time husband elected? Check. Second Inauguration Day? Check. New hair? Check (love them bangs). New dress? Of course! Jason Wu delivered again with this shimmering red velvet number at Mr. Obama's second Inauguration Ball. Needless to say, this was one of her best dresses that year.

6. White House Summit on Working Families 2014

Who says her dresses were nothing but long gowns? Michelle rocked her signature silhouette in this lovely white dress. Not only is she amazing at helping others and aiding philanthropies, she looks good doing them as well.

7. BET's "Black Girls Rock" 2015

Mrs. Obama sure knows how to make an entrance in Newark (where this event took place). She donned an off-shoulder Zac Posen dress. Posen is known for his surprising daring designs and this one was a surprise to many...because people loved it.

8. White House Correspondents Dinner 2016

If she was going to slay at her last White House Correspondents Dinner as FLOTUS, she was going to slay in style! This Givenchy Haute Couture gown and sheer layer was breathtaking to say the least. Michelle's outfit was the happy medium between elegant and sexy, and we can see it being something hanging in a museum or highlighted in a book, showing off her impeccable style.

Bonus: Trump's Inauguration 2017

Guess who Michelle wore at her final Inauguration appearance as FLOTUS as Donald Trump prepared to officially swear in as president? That's right, you guess it...Jason Wu. It may be her last appearance at the White House, but she definitely knew what she was doing (and wearing). Even if she did have to wear a matching trench coat to protect herself from the cold, she stilled walked out of the White House in style.

Michelle Obama is not only feminine, but she's strong, smart, and beautiful. She was not only a fashion icon, she was the fashion icon of the United States. Who knows if we'll see another one like her again. Michelle, this country will miss you, your motivation to get us exercising, and your stunning outfits.

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