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8 Productivity Tips That Help Me Stay Sane

Staying hydrated is so important.

8 Productivity Tips That Help Me Stay Sane

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I know a lot of people have been working from home and still continue to because of everything that is happening right now in the world. I've had online Zoom classes since the middle of March which ended the first week of May. Then I had a few weeks off to recollect myself. And finally, the time has come to start my last summer class (that I might ever take for the rest of my life, I don't know yet) in forensic science. I know a lot of my friends take the summer off or the intersessions in December off, but honestly, I love to learn and I don't like wasting my time or my money. So it's time to get to work, again!

1. Light candles

I love waking up in the morning and making my bed and lighting a candle. It just sets me up for a good morning. Some mornings I just get some coffee and read a book to wake up.

2. Clean

Don't deep clean but just lightly clean to try to keep everything organized. Since I'm working from home now and I have an online summer class, it's important to feel comfortable in my own space. I feel the most productive when I have a clean space to work in.

3. Don't forget to hydrate

I normally am terrible about drinking water, but being at home all the time has really pushed me to try to be healthier. I love adding lemons or limes to my water!

4. Get ready

Put on a super comfy outfit and be productive. Some people might want to do their hair or the makeup in the morning, but I'm not that kind of girl.

5. Play some music

I love putting on music on Spotify while I'm working because it just puts me in the zone and helps me focus.

6. Creating a to-do list

If I don't write something down, it doesn't get done. So to-do lists are my lifesavers and keep my priorities straight.

7. Everyday is different

Some days I am more productive than others, and that's okay. It's important to give myself breaks or to rest my brain after working so hard for most of the day. Studying takes brainpower!

8. Treat yourself

At the end of the day, I most look forward to washing my face or putting on a face mask and watching 30 minutes of TV. It helps me wind down to relax before I go to bed.

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