8 Life Lessons I Learned As A College Freshman | The Odyssey Online
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8 Life Lessons I Learned As A College Freshman

Freshman Year Of College Taught Me Many Things

8 Life Lessons I Learned As A College Freshman
Antonio Guillem/ 123RF

Over the course of two semesters at college, I have learned many valuable life lessons. Although I've heard many of these from family, advisors, and friends for a while, I finally decided to embrace them as ideals to live by. Each lesson has allowed me to embrace who I am and the world around me. These 8 lessons have taught me more about myself, others, and how to get the most out of life. College is a period of discovery, change, and growth, and hopefully other college students will have as inspiring of a first year as I have had.

1. Get Involved.

Getting involved on campus, I believe, is the most important thing a college student can do. The fall semester club fair was where I saw endless opportunities and I found two organizations I wanted to join. Phi Sigma Sigma and the Student Government Association (SGA) focused on recruiting members to help make a positive impact on campus. Both organizations have provided me with countless opportunities, leadership roles, and lifetime friends. See how getting involved on campus will open the door to new opportunities and help you grow as an individual! In just a few short months I went from a senator to the Public Affairs vice-chair and the head of the Campus Delegate committee for Phi Sig. Joining both of these organizations has changed my life forever and I will always be grateful for the opportunity to be involved on campus in such a profound way.

2. Don't Be Afraid to Take Chances.

College is the time to experiment, try new things, and to step out of your comfort zone. Do not be afraid to take chances. I strongly believe it is better to try something and fail than wondering what could have been. The past two semesters I stepped out of my comfort zone and the outcome was incredible. I ran for a freshman senator position, rushed for our campus sorority, and applied to be a resident assistant for my sophomore year. Now, I am the vice-chair of the Public Affairs committee, have held two committee head positions for Phi Sig, and got the job to be an RA. Coming in as a freshman, I never imagined I would be so blessed with such incredible opportunities, all because I wasn't afraid to take chances anymore. Trying new things has been extremely rewarding and eye-opening. Try anything you may be interested in because it could positively impact your life forever.

3. Ask for Help -- It is OK to Not Know Everything

I have learned in the past ten months that it is very important to ask for help. Typically I love being self-sufficient and like completing things on my own. However, I quickly learned I can't constantly do everything by myself without a little help or guidance. In college, you have a new sense of independence along with more responsibilities. By asking for help along the way, it helped me realize I can't go through this alone. I truly understand now that it is OK to not know everything and quickly realized there is a lot I still don't know. By constantly finding new resources, utilizing advisors and on-campus services, as well as looking to friends for the advice, you truly learn a lot about yourself and what you're capable of. I've discovered many of my strengths and weaknesses by asking for help and by helping others. Learning is a continuous process where asking for guidance and direction is only seen as a positive. Don't let your pride get in the way of bettering yourself and others by asking for help; it will be worth it.

4. Let it go.

Learn to let things go. Building up stress over time can have detrimental effects mentally, physically, and emotionally. I have a tendency to hold everything in, overthink, and let the little things bother me. Personally, this has been one of the most beneficial lessons that I've learned over the past few months. By focusing on what you can actually change and not letting the past nag at you, you'll end up being a much more positive person. Positivity comes from within and when you can effectively deal with situations, then great changes occur. By letting things go you free yourself of unnecessary stressors, baggage, and overwhelming negativity. Let it go and embrace positivity; it'll be the greatest thing you ever do.

5. Family Never Fades.

Throughout college, no matter how far away you may go to school, your family will always be there for you. Recently there have been many obstacles presented to my family and I that we needed to overcome together. Despite me being away at school, there was always constant contact and frequent visits home whenever I needed. Also, whenever I needed someone to talk to or needed words of encouragement my family was always there to keep me going. Our hardships made us stronger and ultimately brought us closer together, even through our ups and downs. There will always be a time when things get tough at home or school, but your family will always be there for support. They may be 5 minutes down the road or 5 hours away but they will always have your back--even when no one else does. Family bonds will never fade even when you start the next chapter of your life, they will always be there through it all.

6. Confidence is Key -- Strive for Greatness.

Confidence is the most important attribute any man or woman can have. Although having confidence has never been my strong suit, I have realized how crucial it is to be proud of who you are internally and externally. Radiating positivity, strength, and poise is vital in any professional or everyday atmosphere. Everything that you have been through has made you the person that you are each and every day, why not be proud of that? Be proud that you have gotten where you are in life and that you get better and stronger daily. Showing others what you're made of will become more and more prevalent the older you get, from interviews to daily interactions. Be confident in who you are and what you believe in. I have realized that the more confident you are, the more others admire and respect you. Let confidence, positivity, and poise radiate from deep inside you and see how your life begins to change. Confidence is a key that will help you unlock many doors in life; never let it go or you will lose yourself along the way.

7. Truly Get to Know People.

My parents, especially my grandparents, have always taught me how to be a good listener and friend. Now that I'm in college, I realize the value and strength of a good friendship. Nowadays people are so often left unheard and shut out when they just need one person to be there for them. I have learned that it is so important to truly get to know people and where they have come from. I have made two of the strongest friendships I have ever had in college just by truly getting to know them as people, friends, and what I now consider my sisters. Taking the time to listen to others can help them in more ways than you may realize while you're also helping yourself. Building these strong relationships and knowing more to people than what meets the eye can make a world of a difference. If I've learned anything from my experiences this year, it is to always be willing to listen to others, help whoever whenever they need it, and be a truly remarkable friend. Getting to know someone's past, present, and future is a remarkable gift, cherish friendship whenever it is presented to you. Remember to just take the time to listen to others and watch the rest unfold before your eyes.

8. Be True to Yourself

Never lose sight of who you are, even when there is all of society telling you to look, act, and dress a certain way. Don't let media or anyone you encounter on campus tell you what you should do and who you should be like. You are you. It is as simple as that. We all believe in different things, have particular views on ideas, varying likes and dislikes, so why let others try to change who you are? Everything you have gone through has gotten you to where you are today as a young man or woman. There will be many times your judgment, beliefs, and views will be tested in college from challenging your words and actions. These tests will help define who you are as a person and everything that you stand for. Do not let others try to bring you down, change you, or mold you into someone you are not. If I have learned anything in college it has been more about who I am as a young woman. I have grown so much over the past months through ups and downs, challenges, and situations I have never faced before. College is a time you truly start to figure out who you are and your calling in life. Stay true to who you are down to your core and soul. You are an individual, a blessing on this earth, a unique being on a planet with millions and millions of people. Be true to yourself, even when it is not the easy way out. You'll be thankful for it days or even months down the road, that you hold strong to who you are as a person, even when there are influences trying to change you.

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