Still don't know what to be for Halloween with your boo? Take a look below at some fun and exciting costume ideas. There's everything from characters from awesome TV shows, to legendary couples or stories. Enjoy and have a Happy Halloween!
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SwoonOct 23, 2018
73 Clutch Halloween Costumes For College Couples, If You Two Waited Until Last-Minute... AGAIN
You're not official until you procrastinate doing a couple Halloween costume together.

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On the Upper East Side, Blair Waldorf is an icon. She's what every girl aspires to be. She's beautiful, confident, and can handle any obstacle that life throws at her. Sure, she may just be a television character. But for me, she's a role model and theres a lot that can be learned from Queen B.
It's okay to be crazy sometimes.
Being "crazy" is often times looked at as a negative in todays society. But Blair understands that theres nothing wrong with being crazy. Sometimes its the only way to deal with people, especially when you're dealing with a Georgina Sparks. Now, I'm not suggesting that genuinely being psychotic is a good thing by any means. But crazy situations call for crazy measures, and theres nothing wrong with being crazy as long as you're owning it.
You never give up on the people you love.
I can't say that I've ever been traded for a hotel, or even that my "fairytale wedding" was ruined by Chuck Bass. Regardless, Blair's love and dedication to Chuck, through all the ups and the downs, proves that you can never give up on the people you love. Of course, things may get difficult and it may seem impossible for your relationship to work. But despite all the hardships, you can never give up on the ones you love.
Always know your own worth.
One of the greatest things about Blair Waldorf is that she knows she's Blair Waldorf. She knows how talented she is, and how lucky people are to be graced with her presence. Although this may come across as being a bit full of herself, I say theres nothing wrong with knowing your worth and being confident in who you are.
Don't take shit from anyone.
It didn't matter if it was Little J, Georgina Sparks, Jack Bass, or even her own friends: Blair took shit from no one. Too many times people get walked all over because they'd rather be considered "compliant" than "argumentative." But Blair understood. No one can mess with you unless you let them.
Tights are not pants. But leggings might be...
Since Blair was always the fashion icon on the Upper East Side, I'll take her advice on this one. I agree, tights are not pants. They never were. Tights were meant to go under dresses and skirts. However, if Queen B says leggings aren't pants, that's where I'll have to draw the line.
It's always okay to break down once in a while.
Everyone breaks at some point... even Blair Waldorf. For some reason, people don't like to admit when they're feeling broken. Its as if by admitting you're hurt, you'll lose your status as being strong. But if Blair Waldorf can realize that the world is a little too much some times, than so can I. And there's nothing wrong with breaking down every once in a while.
There's nothing that can't be solved by a shopping spree
However, breakdowns can't last forever. At some point you have to pick yourself up and feel better again. I don't know if it's spending money that feels so good, or if it's the new pair of shoes that you get to bring home with you, but shopping sprees can cure almost any problem. This is proven science, I swear.
Stay classy, even if you're pissed off.
I'll be honest... I curse far too often. I swear at slow drivers. I swear when I stub a toe. I swear when I burn myself on my straightener. With all of the curse-worthy moments in Blair's life, it amazes me that she manages to stay so classy and rarely let a curse word slip. Someday, I hope that I'll learn this ability as well.
You never need to act on your emotions.
I'm impulsive, and more times than not, that will get me into trouble. Blair understands emotions though, and understands that you're never required to act on impulse emotions. With enough willpower, you can overcome your emotions and potentially avoid saying or doing something you'll regret later on.
No matter how rough it gets, it could always be worse.
With as many negative situations that Blair was put in, you'd think she'd be more negative herself. Her best friend stole her boyfriend, she was traded for a hotel, she lost a baby, her royal marriage got destroyed, and yet, she remained positive throughout it all. A little bitter at times maybe, but always positive. No matter what situation she was put in, it always could have been worse than it was, and that's a motto for everyone to live by.
Be dedicated to your own success.
There's nothing I appreciate more than someone who know's what they want and won't stop at anything until they get it. Sometimes Queen B has to be a little manipulative in order to get to her success, but no matter what, she never lets anyone or anything hold her back from what she wants. Her dedication to herself and her priorities is something everyone should have.
And if people don't love you, that's okay.
Often times, people worry too much about appealing to others. They focus too much on making other people love them, and usually for the wrong reasons. If someone doesn't want to love you though, than I guess making them fear you is the next best thing. Either way, you'll be all they can think about.
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The Perks of Being a Girl
“I just want you to know that you’re very special… and the only reason I’m telling you is that I don’t know if anyone else ever has.”
As frustrating and annoying as it can be, being a girl is really awesome. We are beautiful inside and out. Not a lot of people may see that, but girls have a ton of amazing qualities.
We have unique flirting skills.
Us girls have a significant way to flirt with other people. Even when we say the most random or awkward things, we have a way of making everything sound cute and planned. It’s just a gift; we’re good like that.
We know how to fight back.
While maybe not literally, that is Guy Territory. However, when it comes to dealing with drama and other people, we learn, and eventually know, how to deal with other people’s issues with us. We also do a lot more payback.
We pick pretty great friends.
Some girls may have a lot of friends in general, but for the most part, we know how to pick and keep the friends that are the most special. Through experience (of course) we learn how to see people and keep the ones who will stay by our side. Go us!
We have a pretty great fashion sense.
Yes, there are many times when we just want to lay around wearing sweats and not care if we match or not. But when we go out, we are really good at picking out outfits and rocking everything we wear. We know how to clean up pretty well, if I say so myself.
We each have one heck of an imagination.
Whether it is thinking about a boy or our future careers, we girls can think of some pretty vivid scenarios, even though we know deep down they may never come true. But the beautiful thing is we never stop dreaming. Even if we think of something that is impossible, we still dream it, because it makes us feel better. What we imagine can maybe even affect how others think, and who knows? Maybe in the end we do get the prince we’ve been dreaming about.
Never be ashamed of being a girl, because we are truly amazing people. No one should tell us that we are not good enough or are not capable of doing something. We are special and unique. We know how to make someone smile and make someone's day. We go through a lot, but we learn. We have the power to do anything, and no one should try and tell us otherwise. And hey, girls just want to have fun, right?
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Us college students know all about the struggle of spending the day in the library. Whether you are writing a ten-page paper, studying for a biology exam, or struggling through math homework, you somehow find the strength to get to the library to get it all done. Let's just say you have a lot of different thoughts that run through your head during the many hours you spend in the lovely library.
1. The looks you get from people as you enter the library with your sweatpants on, hair tied back, looking like a homeless person.
2. As soon as you find a place to sit down to do work, and you realize that you'll never see your bed again (or until your work is done, so basically never).
3. Wait, that's due tomorrow?
4. Ugh, why do I need to know if John buys Becky a car, how many apples will it take to fill the bowl in his kitchen?
Which by the way – is 1034 square feet.
5. When you're clearly stressing, but five strangers pop up out of nowhere and try to squeeze into the 3 inches of space next to you.
6. When the accidental eavesdropping begins, and you hear something juicy.
7. When you're trying real hard to concentrate, but they keep on talking about how Matt is hooking up with Rachel now instead of Lindsey.
8. Alright, maybe I'll just give up and drop out of college.
9. But then you suddenly become motivated once again.
10. Motivation.
11. You get back from getting coffee and find that someone stole your spot.
12. The cycle begins again, and you think it's time to give up on college because this is way too much work.
13. But your squad finally decides to show up.
14. However, they leave ten minutes later because they don't want to be here, but you beg them to stay.
15. Hmm, I'll just go on SnapChat real quick...45 minutes later after checking all of your apps and answering in the group chat you feel ready to work, and also feel bad about almost giving up.
16. Oh look another online quiz I forgot was due tomorrow.
17. Luckily all of the quiz answers end up being online.
18. When the library is supposed to have Wi-Fi all the time, yet it is currently down and you're feeling some type of way because of it.
19. You zone out and think about how you could be watching Netflix in bed right now.
20. How you feel after spending hours of doing work that you probably should have done two weeks ago.
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15 Female TV Characters Who Prove That Women Actually Rule
The women who are taking over the television game
09 January
We Heart It
Over the past decade, television has undergone a very crucial transition: the incorporation of female lead characters. Since it's a known fact that girls actually do run the world (Beyonce said so herself), it's time for the leading ladies of the small screen to get some credit. Without these characters, women would still be sitting in the background of our favorite shows. These women are not only trailblazers for female empowerment, but role models for women worldwide. With that, here are 15 of the smartest, sassiest ladies gracing our screens that remind us that women do, indeed, rule:
1. Leslie Knope from "Parks and Recreation"
As the sole source of positive energy in Pawnee, Indiana, Leslie Knope is everyone's favorite boss lady. She works harder than anyone else in her small town, demands the respect of her fellow bureaucrats, and genuinely loves her job. When she's not eating waffles at JJ's Diner or scrapbooking with BFF Ann Perkins, Leslie is out making sure that the Pawnee parks are safe and raccoon-free, like a true female warrior.
2. Liz Lemon from "30 Rock"
Who else can balance being a head comedy writer for a television show, stress-eating, and acting on their love of "Star Wars"? Without Liz directing her team of staff writers, along with her humorous outlook on the world, "30 Rock" would simply fall apart. As a character, Liz gives us a realistic look on life in New York City, working in one of the city's most famous buildings.
3. Meredith Grey from "Grey's Anatomy"
We cannot talk about powerful, inspirational TV women without citing Dr. Grey. Her ability to see things from not only the doctor's perspective, but the patient's perspective, is truly what sets her apart from any other doctor. Her compassion as a medical professional not only makes her a successful doctor, but a friend to viewers. Kudos, Dr. Grey.
4. Olivia Pope from "Scandal"
Always on the move, Olivia Pope uses her talent as an expert crisis manager to protect her clients from whatever or whoever may be after them. The trust that Olivia has gained from those around her by doing her job and doing it well has made her virtually invincible. Bravo, Ms. Pope.
5. Blair Waldorf from "Gossip Girl"
As the best manipulator on the Upper East Side, Queen B definitely makes this list. Even though her intentions aren't always so innocent, Blair truly embodies power. From single-handedly shipping Georgina Sparks off to Bible camp, getting revenge on her numerous enemies, and sometimes even making things right again, Blair is the ambitious lady of the pack. And for that, she rules.
6. Carrie Bradshaw from "Sex and The City"
When you hear the phrase, "female writer," Carrie Bradshaw is most likely who comes to mind. Whether it be for the New York Star or Vogue, Carrie's desire to pour the details of her life onto printed page is unyielding. With her determination to be successful at what she does, as well as her three best friends by her side, Carrie is an inspiration to us all.
7. Annalise Keating from "How to Get Away With Murder"
When it comes to justice being served, Annalise Keating is your girl. As a high-powered criminal lawyer (and extremely harsh professor), Annalise's main goal in life is simple: don't lose. Even in the bleakest of situations, Annalise always puts her advisors, her Keating 5, and her clients before herself. With her combination of knowledge, wits, and a style that we'd all kill for, Annalise actually slays.
8. Mindy Lahiri from "The Mindy Project"
Do you ever see those people that just seem to have everything in their lives put together? That's not Mindy. However, Mindy is smart, successful, quirky, and determined to live out her dream life. Real as can be, Mindy is a character that is not only relatable to the everyday woman, but shows that life is better with a lot of humor.
9. Lisa Cuddy from "House, M.D."
Being the Dean of Medicine in the world of Dr. Greg House must be a tough job, but someone's got to do it. Enter Dr. Lisa Cuddy. With her quick-witted responses and no-nonsense attitude, Cuddy is the glue that keeps her hospital together. Even when she's stressed, overwhelmed, and lets House win in their frequent power struggles over patients, Cuddy still maintains control over everything and everyone at Princeton-Plainsboro, Dr. Cuddy, we commend you.
10. The "Friends" Girls (Monica Geller, Rachel Greene, and Phoebe Buffay) from "Friends"
Though we saw them (try to) tackle many different careers, our three favorite New York City ladies have proven that no matter what you do, being happy is always key. By following their passions, Monica becomes a chef, Rachel moves up to an executive fashion position at Ralph Lauren, and Phoebe keeps her open-mic act at Central Perk (who could forget when she struck gold with "Smelly Cat"?). Overall, these ladies rule because they've stuck to what they love and supported each other along the way.
11. Temperance Brennan from "Bones"
Solving crimes and keeping her lab in tip-top shape are just a couple of the tasks that Dr. Brennan has on her plate. With her genius intelligence level and problem-solving smarts, Dr. Brennan is the instrumental piece in making sure that Washington D.C.'s most high-profile murder cases get cracked. Smart ladies for the win.
12. Kate Beckett from "Castle"
One of the things that makes Detective Beckett so awesome and worthy of ruling-ness is the fact that her partner Castle found her so bad-ass that he modeled his "Nicky Heat" crime-fighter after her! Beckett makes sure her team gets down to the bottom of every case that crosses her path (even going back to the case of her mother's mysterious death). All in all, she's not your average television cop.
13. Jane Rizzoli and Maura Isles from "Rizzoli and Isles"
With Jane in the police headquarters and Maura in the lab, these two best friends keep Boston safe. Whether they are taking down mob bosses, finding murders, or even dealing with their own hectic lives, the duo prove that women can, indeed, rule. What happens when hard-headed, rough Detective Rizzoli teams up with prim-and-proper, intellectual Dr. Isles? Double the girl power.
14. Olivia Benson from "Law and Order: SVU"
You know her, you love her. Lieutenant Benson is every criminal's worst nightmare. She's dedicated, relentless, and doesn't rest until her cases are solved. She ensures that the victims that she encounters have their voices heard and makes sure that their attackers are brought to justice.
15. Robin Scherbatsky from "How I Met Your Mother"
Ah, Robin. Our favorite newscaster and the Canadian 1/5 of one of the most well-known friend groups in television history. Robin's originality and free-spiritedness are what makes her so iconic as a female character. She isn't afraid to go out and get what she wants in life, proven by the fact that she left Canada to become a serious journalist. That takes guts.
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11 Things You'll Understand If You Act Sassy AF But You're Actually A Really Nice Person
Ugh, why is it so hard to be mean?
09 January
New Now Next
If you are like me, you have an interesting personality. Basically, you love to be sassy and snarky, gossip, and act like a total bitch (not really), but deep down, you are actually a very genuinely nice person. The idea of actually hurting someone truly makes you feel bad, and you probably have never actually hurt someone’s feelings because your kindness always shines through, even if you do not want it to. Not sure exactly what I would call this type of personality, but if you identify with it, here are some feelings you can undoubtedly relate to.
1. You are honestly kind of offended when people say you are a nice person
Ugh, I go out and act like a bitch all the time just for people to think I’m nice? Great.
2. People think it’s cute when you act sassy
Because remember, everyone thinks you have no capability of being anything but sugary sweet so when something sassy comes out of your mouth, no one can take you seriously. Ugh, this is not supposed to be cute, this is serious business!
3. You always have people who annoy you but will not stop following you around
Who has not had this problem? There is that person who just annoys the sh*t out of you and you try as hard as you can (without being outwardly mean, of course) to let them know that you want absolutely nothing to do with them, yet they still are convinced you like them and will not leave you alone. Why does this person think I like them if I acted like such a b*tch to them? Oh right—I am incapable of actually coming across as mean. *facepalm*
4. You often have trouble deciding how you want to present yourself to people
Do I want to show them that I am actually really nice? Or should I act like a total (s)asshole so they will know not to mess with me so easily? Depends on the mood.
5. You have probably never actually hurt someone’s feelings
Once in a blue moon, your sassy comments get a bit out of hand (or so you think) and you worry for hours afterward that you actually, like, really offended someone. Then, when you go and apologize to them (because you are too nice not to, of course) they confess to you that they were never offended, either because your comment did not actually come across as mean at all or they “know you are too nice a person” to actually try and offend someone like that. Sigh, time to work harder.
6. Finding friends is such a struggle
You find it hard to be friends with people who are not actually nice, because deep down you are too nice to tolerate mean people—but you also cannot be friends with people who are too nice because they most likely will not be able to tolerate your sassiness. Ugh, that friendless life.
7. But actually, that is a joke because your flexible personality allows you to be friends with many people
You can basically convince anyone that you are really nice (because you are), and therefore most people want to be friends with you—but you also have enough snark (or snark attempts) to show people that you are not to be messed with, which is also a trait that many people admire.
8. You are secretly kind of (actually downright) jealous of queen bees, especially those from TV shows
Like, you wish you had the power to actually come across as being that snarky. But deep down, you are thankful that you are not capable of producing all the drama that Blair Waldorf gets herself into, so you just live vicariously through her while you sit back with the popcorn watching her on TV and enjoying your drama-free life.
9. You often read articles with titles such as “24 Reasons You're A Sasshole,” thinking they are going to be so relatable….
But then a few points in you realize that you do not relate to it at all, because deep down you are not actually a sasshole and no one actually thinks you are a bitch.
10. Sometimes you get really mad and wish you could actually come across as a total bitch…
11. …but at the end of the day, you are thankful for how nice you are
Okay, let’s face it—it is fun to be sassy, but deep down you know that being nice is going to get you much farther in life. You may even be a bit proud of the fact that everyone thinks you are nice—okay, you are really proud. You love being nice, and could not picture actually being mean to anyone. Let’s just be thankful that we can get away with being as sassy as we want and still come across as nice, because not many people can do that.
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