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These Are 7 Extremely Hated People

These people have either done something very wrong in their lives or just have accumulated a lot of hate during their lives.

These Are 7 Extremely Hated People

These people have either done something very wrong in their lives or just have accumulated a lot of hate during their lives. Some of you may not agree, but this list is constantly varying.

1. Logan Paul


Before being hated by the majority of the world, Logan Paul was a prolific influencer. in the YouTube community. The video that sparked the hate was a hike on Mt. Fiji. The vlog was all casual until Logan decided to show a real dead body on the screen. People perceived this action to be bad because they thought he was just doing this to expand his views. So that concludes why Logan Paul is considered to be a hated man.

2. Kim Jong Un


Another person that is widely hated around the world is Kim Jong Un. This is an obvious one. Kim is the dictator of North Korea and continuously mistreats his people.

One way how Kim mistreats his citizens is by enforcing a network of Gulags. If anyone opposes Kim's ideology, they would be immediately sent to the gulag. In these gulags, people are starved, forced to work, tortured, and even raped.

To add to the gulags, Kim places many of the citizens that deeply oppose him up for execution, sometimes even in public.

3. Adolf Hitler


The next person on this list is Adolf Hitler. Adolf Hitler's actions during World War II will never be forgotten. Hitler is responsible for the mass genocide of the Jews in Germany.

Supposedly the reason why he was anti-semitic was that he blamed the loss of World War I on the Jews. Hitler put about 5,000,000 of the Jews in concentration camps located throughout all of Germany. It was this action that sparked lots of hate on Hitler. Even after 70 years, people still carry the same hate for Hitler as they did during World War II.

4. Sea World


This next one is not a specific person, but it is a very prominent organization.

When I was young, I always dreamt of going to Sea World. I was in love with the marine animals and I constantly watched YouTube videos about all of the tricks they did with their orcas and other animals. However, ever since the documentary "Blackfish" I have grown away from Sea World and realized how corrupt it is.

Sea World captivates animals from the wild and imprison them in the aquarium. Their main goal is to ensure that the customers have a good time rather than the animals having a good time as well.

5. Derek Chauvin

As of now, Derek Chauvin can be considered the most racist person in America. After repeatedly being told by George Floyd "I can't breath," Chauvin kept pressuring his knee on Floyd's neck. Chauvin triggered many people from all racess

6. Donald Trump


It is always in Donald Trump's nature to be barraged with hate. However, the nation's hate levels on Trump have gone extreme regarding his leadership with the George Floyd riots. This tweet says it all.

"....These THUGS are dishonoring the memory of George Floyd, and I won't let that happen. Just spoke to Governor Tim Walz and told him that the Military is with him all the way. Any difficulty and we will assume control but, when the looting starts, the shooting starts. Thank you!"

7. Hassan Rouhani


Hassan Rouhani is not a name that people would know on the top of their head when they think of someone they hate. Hassan Rouhani is the supreme leader of Iran. Donald Trump and Rouhani constantly argue about the nuclear war and can never reach an accord. Both of them have incited many threats and executed some of those threats and the citizens from both countries are cannot stand it.

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