7 Mandela Effects That Will Make You Question Everything
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7 Mandela Effects That Will Make You Question Everything

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7 Mandela Effects That Will Make You Question Everything

As far as conspiracy theories go, Mandela Effects are certainly the most popular and the most SCREWED UP. Countless nights I have laid awake in my bed, contemplating whether or not we actually live in an alternate universe.

For those of you who do not know about Mandela Effects, sit down, grab a glass of water and allow me to enlighten you.

Mandela Effects are based on Nelson Mandela, who was the president of South Africa and a very famous man who did many great things in life. This theory started when Nelson Mandela supposedly died in jail in the 1980s. Hundreds of thousands of people remember this event, BUT he actually died in 2013. So these theories started. Mandela Effects are all those moments when something happened or was a certain way that soooo many people remember, but now it is something different or it never ACTUALLY happened. Here are some examples:

1.“Oscar Mayer” is not “Oscar Meyer.”

“Meyer” is actually spelled with an “a,” making it “Oscar Mayer.” So yes, your bologna does have two names, but it is M-A-Y-E-R.

2. Where are my Star Wars fans?

I absolutely LOVE Star Wars. Ask anyone who knows me. My dad sat me down when I was eight years old and made me watch A New Hope - Attack of the Clones, and I have seen both Star Wars movies with him since then (and will see Rogue One, who else is excited?!) So, you can imagine how this Mandela Effect REALLY screwed me up.

Apparently in The Empire Strikes Back, Darth Vader DOES NOT say to Luke, “I am your father.” APPARENTLY he actually says “No, I am your father.”

WHAT. Just. WHAT. My life is a lie.

3. Snow White and the Seven LIES

Another set of movies I always watched growing up - as many other millennials did (and probably still do, don’t lie) - are Disney movies. One of my now-favorites (I was terrified of it when I was little) is Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

Now, even if you’ve never seen the movie, I’m sure you know the story. The evil queen is jealous of her stepdaughter Snow White because she is the “fairest” or most beautiful in the land, So she consults her magic mirror to constantly ask who the fairest is. For a long time it said the evil queen was the fairest, but once it said Snow White, the evil queen set out to kill her.

When the queen consults her magic mirror, she always says the words “Mirror, mirror, on the wall.” OR SO WE THOUGHT.

It turns out that she actually states, “Magic mirror on the wall.”


4. What’s in a name?

Go into the grocery store - let’s just say you’re browsing the aisles, looking for your weekly necessities. You've got your veggies, your fruits, maybe some bread, whatever you’re into. Then you stroll down the aisle looking for peanut butter. You’re looking at the different brands and you come across one that looks odd. “Jiff” it reads on the container. You think to yourself, “Huh, that’s funny, I don’t remember it being spelled like that.” BECAUSE IT WASN’T. The peanut butter you and I know and love, “Jiffy,” apparently has always been “Jiff.” I do not believe this for a second.

5. 50 Stars and 13 Stripes?

If you live in the U.S., I guarantee you’ve always been taught that there are 50 states in our country. But apparently there are people out there who believe there are 51 or 52 states and they swear that they were taught this when they were younger. I don’t necessarily believe this Mandela Effect, BUT, say it were true. What happened to those other states??? Conspiracy.

6. But they don’t sing..

Who remembers watching the “Looney Toons” when they were younger? You know, Looney CarTOONS. Nope, all a lie. It’s always been spelled “Looney Tunes,” which does not make sense because the show IS NOT AND NEVER HAS BEEN a musical. They are crazy cartoons.

7. “Eat More Chi(c)ken”

Listen, I love me some “Chik Fil A” sauce. It is my favorite, I would eat it on everything if I could. And if I’m being honest, the sauce is the main reason I go there.


“Chik Fil A” is not spelled that way. It’s also not spelled “Chic Fil A.”

Apparently, it has always been spelled “Chick Fil A.” I don’t believe this because the misspelling has always been part of their brand.

What else isn’t right in this world? Who is responsible for these effects? Maybe our world really isn’t as we believe it to be.

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