6 Reasons Why You Should Support Love Your Melon | The Odyssey Online
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6 Reasons Why You Should Support Love Your Melon

Buy a beanie and help the fight against childhood cancer.

6 Reasons Why You Should Support Love Your Melon
Jennifer Friese Photography

Being an ambassador for Love Your Melon is by far one of the best things to ever happen to me. What Love Your Melon does is incredible. Its an apparel brand that was created by 2 college students to put hats on kids battling cancer. Think about that. 2 college kids decided to create a company that would change the nation.

Why wouldn’t you want to be a part of that?

I can think of a hundred reasons why you SHOULD support Love Your Melon, but just to give you the jist of it, I will give you 6.

1. The products are adorable.

Between hats, mugs, shirts, caps, headbands, you can get just about anything from LYM. They make amazing Christmas gifts. Trust me, I have at least one on my list every year.

2. They support pediatric cancer and their non-profit partnerships.

This alone makes my heart melt. Check out the video my crew made for Love Your Melon Day 2016.

3. They donate to kids with cancer.

Can it get any cuter than that? The kids in the hospital are so excited when we come to visit. It makes their day so much better and honestly, to see their faces light up is enough to bring tears to your eyes.

4. They make you feel like a superhero.

Not all superheroes wear capes. Well, at least we don’t get to wear ours all the time. But the light up superhero costumes we get to wear for donation events are a hit amongst the kids.

5. The ambassadors you meet are some of the kindest people you will know.

I love my crew and I look forward to seeing their wonderful faces every Monday for our meetings. They are all so sweet and the compassion they have is what makes you realize that good people do still exist.

6. Every release is like Christmas.

Releases are the best thing ever. Like on cyber Monday this year they have 10 different releases. Like you can count on me ordering like 7 things. Haha.

But in all seriousness, this organization could use your support. Pediatric cancer is quite underfunded. That’s just another reason why Love Your Melon has my heart. They support something that needs funding. Research within pediatric cancer has little funding and for an organization to help support that is huge.

Be a part of the fight against pediatric cancer. Buy a beanie at www.loveyourmelon.com

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