A Quiet Place (91 minutes) | The Odyssey Online
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6 Captivating Films UNDER 100 Minutes, For When You Don't Have Much Time

Take the little time you have to watch a good film.


Ever wanted to sit down with a good movie, but simply just didn't have to the time to watch one at full length? If so, this is your list!

The following films are no longer than 100 minutes, and will be sure to make you laugh, cry, or even quiver in fear!

Lady Bird (93 minutes)

A Best Picture nominee from 2017, "Lady Bird" is an excellent study of the relationship between a mother and a daughter. Not just this, but it also includes a coming-of-age tilt. Even at 93 minutes, you're still able to feel the emotion and understand the development of each character, and that's attributed to the excellent writing.

Eighth Grade (94 minutes)

I reviewed this film previously and absolutely adored it. Another coming of age film, "Eighth Grade" is the brainchild of Bo Burnham, complete with some of the best comedy I've ever seen in a film. "Eighth Grade" does such an amazing job at not faking the middle school experience, and I think that's what makes it so effective.

The Room (99 minutes)

Now, "The Room" is nowhere near any film on this list in terms of quality, but believe me, you'll be laughing all the way through this meme's (yeah, this film is essentially a meme) 99-minute runtime. The epitome of "so bad that it's good," the horrible acting, crappy story, and downright weirdness will have you cringing the whole way. Let's go eat hahhhh?

A Quiet Place (91 minutes)

"A Quiet Place" was released during the first half of 2018 to rave reviews. While this film is only 91 minutes, it feels much longer due to it's tense moments and atmosphere. You'll be watching an hour and a half film, but it feels like three hours. You won't make any mistake spending your time watching this one.

Monsters Inc. (92 minutes)

In my opinion, one of the funniest and most underrated Pixar films, "Monsters Inc." is fun all the way through. It's not a one-trick pony however as there are certainly some emotional moments spliced in here and there. Mike Wazowski is definitely my favorite Pixar character, and this film is a go-to whenever I want to perk my mood up. All in 92 minutes.

Toy Story 2 (92 minutes)

A lot of people like to argue that this is the best animated feature of all time, and I might be inclined to agree with them. "Toy Story 2" possesses animation that supersedes the first, and communicates a narrative that does the same. I had to look twice when I saw this film was 92 minutes, because it certainly feels much longer. You're getting your time's worth with this one.

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