6 Fictional Guys I Blame For My High Standards
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6 Fictional Guys I Blame For My High Standards

If only they were made out of flesh and not words...

6 Fictional Guys I Blame For My High Standards

It's a wonderful thing to be able to escape into the beautiful fantasy worlds brought to life in our favorite stories. However, having to come back to reality means having to accept that our own world aren't nearly as perfect as the ones we see in films and the ones we read about. Sometimes we use these perfect worlds as the standard for our own lives: the things we want to do, the types of people we want to be, and even the types of people we want to date. Fictional men seem to have it all together. They know what to say to melt our hearts, they know how to treat their ladies, and they know how to be stand-up human beings (well, most of the time). That is why I blame these six fictional men for my skewed vision of Mr. Perfect.

Augustus Waters - The Fault in Our Stars

One of the most beautifully tragic characters to ever be put in text, Augustus Waters is the boyfriend everyone wants. He and Hazel both struggle with cancer, but he never made their relationship about this commonality. Gus saw Hazel for the amazing woman that she was beyond her condition, and went above and beyond to treat her the way he felt she deserved. Not only did he take the time to read her favorite book, he arranged to get her to meet the author. I mean come on, that is the epitome of romantic.

Finnick Odair - The Hunger Games Trilogy

Finnick appears in the second book of the trilogy as a heartthrob. His stunning good looks and playfully flirtatious personality were enough to make anyone swoon, but in the third book we find out he's so much more than that. Finnick is a character that has so much love in his heart, but only for his Annie. He does everything in his power to protect her from the evil of the Capitol, and when they finally get to be together in District 13 he shows her all of the love and comfort that he had planned for her for so many years.

Blane McDonnagh - Pretty in Pink

80's movie hunks get me every time, but one of my favorites is Blane. He's clever in finding ways to talk to Andie, tries his hardest to make her feel comfortable and accepted in the various date situations they end up in, and defends her to his friends even though it means losing them. Sure, there's a little hiccup with the prom thing, but he fixes it in the end. And let's be real, that smile definitely helps make up for it.

Duckie Dale - Pretty in Pink

My favorite thing about Pretty in Pink is that it doesn't just have one perfect guy, it has two!! Duckie is the biggest sweetheart, loving Andie for the woman she is and being completely devoted to her. It's a shame he didn't end up with the woman of his dreams in the end, but it's safe to say that with his charming smile and undying commitment he's going to be a fantastic husband one day.

Jesse Swanson - Pitch Perfect

A guy who can sing... that alone is enough to peak your interest, right? Well that's just the beginning of what makes Jesse so desirable. He's passionate, eager to share some of his favorite movies and tell Becca about his aspirations. He's totally adorable, planning surprise dates for him and Becca and being funny while they work at the radio station. On top of all that, he's just an all around good person. He doesn't just dismiss Benji for his quirks like everyone else, and even helped everyone see his great talent. He also waited for Becca during her distant, confusing time, waiting for her to see that the relationship was right for her rather than pushing it because it was something he wanted. He's the poster boy for respecting women.

Edward Cullen - The Twilight Saga

Some people will disagree with me right off the bat on this one, but Edward Cullen is my main fictional man. First of all, he's supernaturally beautiful. Of course that isn't all there is to the perfect man, but it definitely sweetens the deal. Second of all, he protects Bella. I don't just mean protecting her from all the evil vampires, either. From the beginning he tried to convince her to stay away because he thought it was in her best interest. When it comes down to it, all Edward ever wanted was for Bella to be safe and happy. He was even willing to let her go completely if it was what she wanted (unlike some people - though the fourth book clears that whole mess up). Edward's love for Bella is so true and so pure. Who wouldn't want that??

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