​"Valentine" | The Odyssey Online
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5 Seconds Of Summer Have Completely Changed Their Sound And I’m On Board

Forget the 5SOS you thought you knew, 5SOS3 is here to change your minds.


When I heard 5SOS had a new single out, I was SHOOK. The 5SOSfam had not been blessed with a new record in t h r e e years. It was time and their first single "Want You Back" knocked in out of the park. "Youngblood" is 16 amazing songs that truly show the growth of a talented, young band from Australia.


The title track for the album really sets the mood for the album of complex love songs. "Youngblood is the beginning of a new era, the 5SOS3 era.

​"Want You Back"


This song was their first single released for "Youngblood" and it has a very special place in my heart. 5SOS had been on a break for the past two years while they were traveling and working on their third album. This song was our first glimpse into their new sound and their new album and although it is completely different from anything they had ever put out before, it is an A+ in my book.

​"Lie To Me"

The members of 5SOS really love this song and so do I. I'm always a fan of the melancholy lyrics/upbeat sounding song and they really created something unique with this track.


This song is so so so cute. Explained by Michael Clifford, one of the guitarists, ""Valentine" to me is kinda like, the ultimate Valentine's Day song. It's like our version of "All I Want for Christmas". It's the perfect lazy love song and I'm a big fan.

​"Talk Fast"

This song is one of my favorite songs off the album for sure. It gives off the some funky 80's vibes and really goes with the aesthetic of the album as a whole.

​"Moving Along"

I absolutely love the chorus of this tune; the drums right before give me some old 5SOS vibes and it's a great bridge between the old and new eras.

​"If Walls Could Talk"

Lyrically, "If Walls Could Talk" is my favorite song. I'm truly in love with Ashton's solo on this track and it just reminds me he deserves more chances for his beautiful vocal range to be heard.

​"Better Man"

I have no idea why but the chorus of this song gives me some Ed Sheeran vibes which means it's beautiful and catchy. Michael and Luke, along with some other writers, penned this tune.


The guitar in the chorus of this song, as well as the overall beat, just gets me going. The theme is also comparable to their 2014 song "Close As Strangers".

​"Why Won't You Love Me"

This song is so relatable, where was it when I wanted to be all angsty and ask boys why they didn't love me in high school??

​"Woke Up In Japan"

I could listen to Luke say Japan a bajillion times…. or just sing the chorus over and over. I know how much 5SOS adores Japan and performing there so I feel like this song will be especially special to their Japanese fanbase.

​"Empty Wallets"

This bop reminds me a little of the band's song "Money" off their last album. But in all seriousness, I too am living my life, dancing on an empty wallet (thanks a lot 5SOS).

​"Ghost Of You"

The one truly sad song in my eyes off "Youngblood", I just want to cry listening to it. Just thinking about losing someone who's important to you is so heartbreaking and I'm so glad 5SOS wrote and released this gorgeous song. The piano is also an amazing touch, obvi.

​"Monster Among Men"

The changes in the tempo of this song make it a big fave for me personally. There are also some gorgeous guitar riffs.

"Meet You There"

This was the first song Luke and Ashton wrote for "Youngblood". It also happens to be the name of their upcoming tour this year. This song is very special to me and kind of alludes to the hiatus and period of growth that the fans and the band went through over the past two years. A lot of people forgot about 5SOS during their break but this song, and album, reiterates that if something is meant to be, it will be.


Every time I listen to this song I think of their song "Tomorrow Never Dies" from their first album. I looooove how much we hear Calum's voice in this song as well. This is a perfect song to end the album with and leaves me excited for the next steps in the band's career.

I love the little glimpses of their older work in this album is so nice but I'm also so so so excited to see where this album takes them and what new directions they continue to move towards. I was not expecting this sound from them at all; but it's been amazing watching their music grow over the years. I can't believe "Youngblood" exists or that it came from the same little 2014 wannabe punk emos from Australia.

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