I love the stay-in-all-day-and-binge-watch-Netflix days as much as the next person, but TV shows can get kind of monotonous sometimes. Every once in a while, it’s nice to sit down to a horribly predictable chick flick or even an eclectic Indie film. Here are a few suggestions for movies on Netflix that are totally underrated and are 100% worth the watch:
This story follows several different characters from all different walks of life and who are all struggling with something different. They all come to the same music festival in the hopes of achieving something different (i.e finding a soulmate, becoming well-known in the music industry, prove something to their parents, etc.) In the end, they all get what they’re looking for, but not at all in the ways they expected. It’s a beautiful and fun story that makes the audience feel for one or more of the characters.
2. One Day
This rom-com is the story of two friends from college who meet up with each other on the same day every year for twenty years to touch base and reminisce. Life gets in the way of their friendship and shows a very realistic and dynamic scope of how this situation might go in real life. There’s a beautiful balance of tragedy and love and a sense of realness that you don’t see from very many movies. Very inspiring.
3. The Last Five Years
For my Les Mis fans out there, this movie is similar in that there is no dialogue, but the plot is played out through singing. The story is about a couple from New York who endure the usual things that a couple does (job opportunities, fights, sex, etc.) and their journey of a relationship. Aside from the fact that this movie is beautifully written, it has an interesting spin on the plot structure: It alternates between the beginning and the end of their relationship and eventually ends with them in a sort of awkward grey area of their relationship. SO GOOD.
4. Adventureland
Alright, we all know Kristen Stewart isn’t the best actress, but I was pretty impressed with her performance in Adventureland. The story follows a guy named James who loses all of his money and must resort to getting a part-time job at a decrepit amusement park. Along the way, he discovers a lot about himself, and his reluctance for his job soon disappears when he meets Em, played by Kristen Stewart. I know, I know. It sounds cheesy and predictable. But it’s not! There are several plot twists and an unexpected ending that keeps audiences guessing.
5. Serendipity
Of all the cheesy 80’s movies I’ve seen, this has to be the cheesiest. But cheesy doesn’t always mean bad. The love of the two main characters survives only because of coincidental occurrences that eventually lead them right back to each other every time. This movie is one of those films that you always make fun of for being predictable, but you always find yourself watching late at night with a tub of ice cream anyways. It’s adorable and it’s wonderful. Give it a shot.
All these movies had me feeling some type of way. I hope they do the same for you!