5 Helpful Tips For Frequent Concert Goers
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5 Helpful Tips For Frequent Concert Goers

Some basic advice on how to improve your concert experience.

5 Helpful Tips For Frequent Concert Goers

The day has come where you finally get to see your favorite band live. It’s an experience only a few people get to have, and shouldn’t be taken lightly. Whether it’s a small club show or a giant stadium, you are going to be hearing your favorite songs live and it’s going to be a night you will never forget. If you’re a frequent concertgoer like myself, you already know the little tips and tricks to have a more enjoyable experience overall. However, if this is something that you only do a few times a year or rarely ever, then I’m here to help!

For some people, a concert is just a concert. It’s just another night of their lives. Those are the people that show up right at show time, hang in the back, and just go with the flow. I’ve definitely been there. It all depends on the show. If you’re going to a concert for one of your favorite musicians, or just like to attend shows in general, then you’ve come to the right place. Here are some simple tips to improve your night.

1. Don’t Forget your Tickets!

It’s a really simple thing that seems impossible to forget, but trust me, it happens. Most tickets come with a mobile delivery option these days, so you can just roll up with your phone and not have to worry about a physical ticket. However if you’re like me and enjoy a nice printed ticket (You know, for the memories), you’re going to have to hang onto them. Set reminders; put them in your purse the night before, whatever you have to do! You can’t get in without them.

2. Plan How You’ll Get There

Look up the location of the show. Is this a small club or theater? If so, you’ll need to plan where you’ll be parking. I like to purchase parking ahead of time, through the ParkWhiz app. You get a discounted rate and you won’t have to drive around looking for a spot, worried that you’re going to miss the show. If driving isn’t your thing, look into public transportation. Don’t forget to plan your way home as well and account for traffic, especially if it’s a larger venue.

3. Pack Light

This one is important for multiple reasons. If you want to be in the front, right by the stage, then going through 5 different security checks just might not be your thing. All venues are not created equal and take all kinds of security precautions, which are perfectly fine and should be done. However, if you’re bringing 3 bags while carrying a coffee and water, you’re going to be stopped multiple times and not get that front spot that you waited in line for. Bring a small purse if you must, or just put what you need in your pockets. It makes for easy entrance. Also, you won’t have to worry about holding all that stuff all night or smacking people in the face with your cute backpack. And if you think about it, you’re going to a show that lasts 2 to 3 hours at most, do you really need your entire life with you?

4. Charge Your Electronics

For those who are going to enjoy the show and don’t care about photos and videos, you can pretty much skip over this step. However, it is always good to have a charged phone to meet up with friends or look up your train times for the way home. But if you are going to be taking lots of pictures to remember the night, I highly recommend bringing an external charger. Nothing is worse then your phone dying right in the middle of filming your favorite song live. There are so many options for external chargers these days. Keeping on theme with packing light, I tend to go for the phone charger case. You can charge the case overnight, put it on your phone the next day, and use it when you need it with just a click of a button. I like this one. It was pretty cheap and it’s lasted me a long time. It even went through an intense rainstorm at Governor’s Ball this past June and it still works! Not that I would recommend doing that, but it’s good to know.

5. Dress Comfortably

When I first started going to concerts it was all about what I was going to wear. It was a carefully thought out decision that took months. These days, I’m just trying to be as comfortable as possible. Think about it, you’re in a dark room where everyone is looking forward at the musicians on stage. No one cares what you look like. I’m not saying to show up in your best pj’s, but maybe some comfortable shoes will do. Closed toe shoes are always a good choice, just incase someone decides to step on you, which will happen. Don’t forget that no matter what the temperature is outside, the venue will get very warm. Short sleeves, dresses, or anything light is always a good choice.

Concerts aren’t for everyone, I get it. For one, you’re being crammed into a small space with all types of people. And you’ll be standing in one spot for a long period of time. However, if you let go a little bit and decide that it’s all worth it in the end, you’ll have an unforgettable night. Look at it this way, this might be your only chance to see your favorite musician live, and you shouldn’t let the little things bother you. If you follow the steps above, you’re bound to have a carefree, amazing night!

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