5 Reasons Why Video Games Are Good For You and Your Health
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5 Reasons Why Video Games Are Good For You and Your Health

Video Games Are Not As Bad As Your Parents May Believe.

5 Reasons Why Video Games Are Good For You and Your Health
Business Insider

At some point in our life we have all heard thousands of reasons why video games are bad for you. They are full of violence and ignorance. They encourage people to chill on the couch all day eating chips and drinking Mountain Dew. Maybe games are just huge distractions and a waste of time.

Sure, depending on the game you look at, those points can all be accurate. But the video game industry is a big one. Every game can provide a great amount of value. Video games can educate, help you get in shape, get in touch with people who share the same interest, and can be simply enjoyable. Video games can do a lot of good for the world. Below are five reasons why video games are good for you and your health.

5. Helps you gets in shape.

Thanks to the growth of motion controls, it has allowed people to become physically active while gaming. Nintendo's Wii U, Sony's Move Controllers for the PlayStation 4 and Microsoft's Kinect for Xbox One have all been created to bring a form of exercise into video games.

If you want to get in shape through gaming, you have a lot of ways to do so. Just Dance and Wii Sports Resort to name a few, provides a natural, realistic and active feel to your gaming experience. Workout games like Wii Fit U and Xbox Fitness can help lose those unnecessary pounds and focus on specific areas on your body.

4. Enhances your ability to learn.

In the past, playing educational games was similar to eating vegetables. It may be good for you, but most of the time it wasn't very enjoyable. Today, game developers have created ways to incorporate learning into the gaming experience .

In this generation of gaming, I would have to think my way throughout a game more than ever rather than just going through the motions.

Problem-solving, strategizing and multitasking are all skills people are capable of improving on because of video games.

Games like Final Fantasy, Batman: Arkham Knight and even Call of Duty challenges you to think ahead, think smart, and think together. Multiplayer games can also improve communication skills, teamwork, and strategic abilities.

Today, games hold an incredible amount of information. You just have to know where to look.

3. Stress Reliever

I don't know about you but when I'm feeling down or depressed, playing a video game or two can brighten my mood in an instant.

Video games being a form of therapy may sound crazy but it isn't totally out of bounds.

Stress, depression, and other mental illnesses are caused because of the way we think. It's a pattern, your brain starts to be trained and expects to be stressed out. This pattern usually occurs daily, so you're consistently in a state of stress.

Video games help break that pattern and gives your brain that much needed mental break.

I mean, anyone who rushes home to play NBA 2K or Call of Duty after school or work can attest that games helped them get through their stress filled lives. At least it does for me.

2. Improves your social life.

No, not all gamers are in their parents' basement, eating up all the groceries and playing video games from the time they wake up until the time they go to sleep.

Video games are great tools for you to become more social and find potential friends. Since games can be connected to the internet, more people can be connected with people who have the same game and that can create a good social atmosphere.

Just know online games do not replace real-life socializing. Try to maintain a balance of real life and online friends.

1. They are just awesome!

Video games are really incredible when you really think about, especially today.

If there is one thing I know that could take someone on a journey to another world and explore a new reality, it is video gaming.

If you want to become a super hero, professional athlete, a musician or even relive your favorite movie growing up, video games allow you to maximize your imagination and be whatever you want to be.

We are in a generation with top notch computer technology and graphic designers, which causes video games to look more realistic than ever before. Even if you don't play them, you have to admit, they still look pretty amazing.

The debate as to whether video games are good and bad for us has be going on since the days of Atari and Nintendo 64.

Most people who have always assumed video games were one of the main causes for mental, physical and social problems for people. I believe too much of it does but video games as a whole are great for children, teenagers, and adults.

Hopefully, people realize that instead of giving us problems; games can actually have a great benefit in our lives in some ways.

From a man that used to play Pokemon and Sonic the Hedgehog almost everyday as a kid and continues to play video games from time to time today, I ended up being pretty okay.

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