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Get Comfy and Enjoy These 5 Great Underrated Movies & Shows

With all of the entertainment content out there right now, some of the best movies and shows may slip past you.


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Fall is here, and it's a great time to curl up on the couch, get comfy and enjoy some great movies and shows!

With all of the entertainment content out there right now, some of the best movies and shows may slip past you.

This list has some of the best titles out there right now that you can sit back and enjoy:

1. "Ingrid Goes West"

This unique film dives into the life of Ingrid who, after some personal tragedies and setbacks, moves to LA to stalk an Instagram star she is obsessed with. Ingrid works her magic to get into the Insta-influencer's good graces, and the two actually become friends. However, as Ingrid tries to keep up the charade, things start to unravel, leading to some dramatic yet darkly humorous results. This movie will make you think twice about how you portray yourself on social media. "Ingrid Goes West" is streaming now on Hulu.

2. "Private Life"

Infertility is an issue facing a lot more people than you think. This Netflix Original movie tackles this sensitive subject by providing an accurate portrayal of what couples trying to conceive go through and the strain it puts on their relationship. Follow Rachel and Richard's journey as Rachel undergoes fertility treatments. The couple tries to get pregnant, and they uncover one sliver of hope that could make their dream of starting a family a reality. Starring Kathryn Hahn and Paul Giamatti, this movie will hit you right in the feels.

3. "Mid90s"

Jonah Hill's directorial debut hit theaters this weekend and is getting a great critical response. "Mid90s" is about a 13-year-old boy named Stevie who is going through the thick of his adolescence in the 90s in LA. Stevie has a rough home life, but has found some new friends and stability at a skate shop he frequents on Motor Avenue. This coming-of-age film is a personal creation for Hill and pays homage to skating culture while trying to avoid the stereotypical skater feel. "Mid90s" is in theaters across the US now.

4. "Room 104"

We love the Duplass brothers, and this series is definitely one of their most unique creations. "Room 104" aims to tell the story of what really happens at corporate chain motels across the nation by focusing on one room (#104) at one average motel. Each episode of this series focuses on a different stay in this same room, and episodes range from comedy to drama to horror depending on the room's occupant(s). This series makes for a great binge on HBOGo, as the 2nd season drops in early November.

5. "The Haunting of Hill House"

'Tis the season for horror! Get ready to get scared by this new, chilling Netflix series! "The Haunting of Hill House" is about a group of siblings who were raised in this haunted mansion, which ends up being the most haunted house in the country. A personal tragedy forces these siblings to head back to their childhood home and haunted roots, making them face the ghosts of their past. This show is based on the novel of the same name written by Shirley Jackson.

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