Storto's Deli & Sandwich Shop | The Odyssey Online
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5 Local Businesses You Have To Check Out In O'ahu, Hawaii

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5 Local Businesses You Have To Check Out In O'ahu, Hawaii

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I moved to the island of O'ahu two months ago, and one of my goals was to support the local businesses on island. Which turns out to be a lot easier than expected because there is not a lot of big chains here (I do miss Chick-fil-A though). Here are 5 of my favorite food and beverage places I have found and continue to go to!

Storto's Deli & Sandwich Shop


I was a huge fan of Jimmy Johns back in Colorado, especially when pregnant, so coming here knowing there was no JJ was kind of depressing. I FINALLY found the perfect, maybe even better, substitution for it! Storto's is a small business in Haleiwa, which is in North Shore (and thankfully, only 15 minutes from where I live). The bread is AMAZING, the meat and veggies always taste fresh, it's overall a big 10/10 from me. It's also just a couple minutes from a beach, so you can grab yourself a lunch before or after getting your tan on!

Waialua Bakery & Juice Bar

USA Restaurants

I stumbled on this place by accident, but I do not regret it at all! Despite the name, this isn't actually located in Waialua, it's located in Haleiwa, right by Waialua. This place is SO CUTE. Picture a local food joint on the beach in Hawaii. Yup, that's this bakery and juice bar. They have so many tasty food options, açai bowls, and amazing smoothies. I definitely recommend checking it out!

Kiani's Original Guava Chicken


A popular place amongst Army men and women (probably because they go to Schofield Barracks during lunch time and sell food), this place is to die for! I never thought guava and chicken would be a good combo, but oh my gosh was I wrong. I personally love the guava chicken burger, but really all of their food looks and smells amazing. This is a small local business located in Wahiawā, which is in the middle of the island (and happens to be where I live, so it's dangerously close). Just give it a try, you will not regret it!

The Sunrise Shack

Sunrise Shack

Located even further north (I like exploring North Shore I guess...) is this cute little local place! Literally steps from a beach, you can get a coffee, açai bowl, banana bread, smoothies, and more! It's a good place to hit up after a beach day out with friends or family!

Green World Coffee Farm

Green World Coffee Farm

Last but certainly not least, if you love places like Starbucks, why not take that support local when in Hawaii?! Located a little north of the main town of Wahiawā, this place is one of my favorites. I swear their smoothies are some of the freshest tasting smoothies I have ever had! They have tons of tasty pastries, obviously LOTS of coffee, and other cold drinks to enjoy while enjoying the warm, sunny weather! When you pull into their parking lot, you can smell the coffee beans and it's honestly so soothing.

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