4 Things You Should Know Before Seeing The New Ghostbusters Movie
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4 Things You Should Know Before Seeing The New Ghostbusters Movie

There are no spoilers or biases here (hopefully).

4 Things You Should Know Before Seeing The New Ghostbusters Movie

Hello there, average citizen! Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know about the new "Ghostbusters" movie that came out recently. You also know that this time around, it’s sporting an all-female cast and is a reboot instead of a continuation or sequel. However, you do not know if it’s the funniest action comedy you’ve ever seen or the worst pile of shit attempt at humor you’ve ever seen until, well, you’ve actually SEEN it. And no, the trailer does not count.

So whether you are on the fence about it, excited for it, or absolutely do not care, here are a few things to think about. This is coming from someone who, yes, has seen the movie, and yes, is trying to write from an unbiased and neutral point of view.

1. Paul Feig is the director.

He has directed a handful of movies; some with excellent ratings, others not so much. His successes include “Bridesmaids,” “Knocked Up,” “Spy” and “That Thing You Do.” He also directed 15 episodes of the US version of “The Office.” Some of his misses however include “Unaccompanied Minors” and “I Am David.” He mainly sticks to comedy and originally turned down the first offer to direct “Ghostbusters” but eventually entertained the concept enough to say yes. He also doesn’t shy away from creating significantly female casts.

2. Chris Hemsworth’s character is HILARIOUS.

It should be known that not only are the four "Ghostbusters" women, but most of the secondary characters are too. However, the most important male character by far is the girls’ new-hired secretary Kevin, aka Chris Hemsworth. Without giving too much away, his character turns out to be ridiculously and hilariously stupid. His demeanor is always calm and somewhat friendly, but the hilarity ensues whenever he tries to attempt anything that isn’t standing or smiling.

I know I should be praising the girls’ performances just as much, but I honestly found Hemsworth hysterical. I couldn’t stop chuckling every time he showed up on screen. It’s good to keep in mind that the humor in this movie isn’t necessarily gender specific, but defined more by actions and dialogue. However, I was intrigued that Feig decided to gender-bend a TV trope that had been prevalent for decades; one that predominantly portrays men hiring women for looks, not for brains (not to mention this happens in real life, too.)

But know that these women don’t try to pursue him the entire film, since only one of the four is actually attracted to the guy. His character is meant to be comical, not a love interest.

3. There are a plethora of Easter eggs and cameos.

I did, in fact, grow up with the original "Ghostbusters" movies, although at seven-years-old, I was more interested in watching the big bad ghosties get caught than pay any attention to the actual storyline, which I didn’t understand anyways. I just remember being afraid of bathtubs for a while.

But regardless, I went into the theater last week not really pondering whether this film would have similar elements to the original. I wasn’t hoping to see this ghost or that proton pack; I just knew that this movie wasn’t a continuation of the originals. But I assure you I was pleasantly surprised and thoroughly entertained at what Feig squeezed into the film. If you’re a fan of the originals, you’ll definitely see a few familiar things in here that’ll make you grin.

4. This movie isn’t perfect.

Yes, this was my thought as I meandered out of the theater. It didn’t blow my mind. It’s not the funniest movie in the world. But neither was the original.

The goal of both of these movies was to be silly, ghostbusting fun. And that it was.

So many people have been angry at this remake since it was first announced, so in turn this movie had to be absolutely perfect and amazingly funny or else all the haters would be right, and their misogyny and racism would somehow be justified. But demanding that this movie be perfect implied that the original "Ghostbuster" movie(s) were too.

And although I didn’t think it was perfect, there were many aspects of it that I enjoyed. Even with the Easter eggs and continued themes, the action scenes and the ghosts in them were actually incredibly creative and original. I was never bored, and I grew especially fond of Patty (Leslie Jones) as she was gradually introduced into the squad. The acting was pretty damn good, even though there were a few “SNL” type jokes here and there that we’ve all heard before. This movie was well-rounded; it had a good blend of action, comedy and horror, and to me, that’s what matters the most.

So it’s up to you whether you want to see this movie or not, but you’re helping no one if you go into that theater looking to criticize, instead of looking for a good time, because I guarantee you won’t enjoy it as much.

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