4 Signs You Are Being Catfished Online
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4 Signs You Are Being Catfished Online

Are you being Catfished Online? Here are 4 Signs you're being Catfished Online!

4 Signs You Are Being Catfished Online

With the emergence of online friendships and relationships, it's not uncommon to strike a new partnership with someone you've met online. Unfortunately, this also means you've likely encountered catfishing too. Catfishing is the act of tricking or deceiving someone into believing they are a different person than they are. This method of deception includes physical appearance, profession, or even shared connections. To avoid being catfished, pay attention to the following four signs and how to combat them online.

They’re Always Hiding Their Face or Posing Too Professionally

They\u2019re always hiding their face or posing too professionally

When you start talking to someone, there's a good chance a few photos accompany their profiles. Most dating profiles require at least two pictures on their page. If you're talking to someone that seems to hide behind those standard images, they may be hiding who they genuinely are. If you've been chatting and sending current photos, but they haven't been giving you the same reciprocation, ask yourself why. Although they may be shy, most people trying to pursue love will jump at the chance to interact. If you ask for a photograph and are met with things like, "I'm in bed," "I'm at work," or the indication that their camera is broken, there's a good chance they're hiding from you.

On the other end of the spectrum, anyone that seemingly hides behind professionally edited, posed, or staged photographs may also be leading on potential partners. Although everyone will have a few photos that look fantastic if every single photo is perfectly edited (including pictures that should be selfies or candid shots), be forewarned they may be borrowed images. Individuals on this end of the spectrum will seldom send photos of their loved ones, pets, family, or friends. They almost always include perfectly done hair, makeup, staged body images, and similar styles of photographs.

To avoid these warning signs, always ask for a few selfies when you first start chatting. Pay attention to signs of blemishes, candid pictures, and authentic images. If you're curious about a photo's authenticity, consider doing a reverse image search or using a program called TinEye. TinEye is a reverse image search that will find all the image sources in question on the internet. Stock images will often show several results (depending on how often the image was used and purchased). Likewise, you can determine whether the picture in question is an actual candid selfie or a staged photo they've shared multiple times.

They Never Seem to Want to Meet Up in Person or Virtually

They never seem to want to meet up in person or virtually

Although there are always a few jitters before meeting someone in person, after a few days (or weeks), the natural progression would suggest meeting safely in person. Someone trying to catfish another person will always have an excuse for why they can't meet up. Typically, this excuse is intense and dramatic, from a family emergency (someone being in the hospital) to suddenly having to work excessive amounts of hours. If you've tried to arrange a date (or meet up) several times without success, there's a good chance you're lead on.

Many people don't enjoy chatting through video chatting but will often agree to a quick conversation if an in-person meet-up isn't possible for a while. The same holds for anyone who always seems to have an excuse for avoiding video chats. Should the person you've connected with continuously try to avoid video chatting too; proceed with extreme caution.

When initially chatting with a person, it's always a good idea to meet face-to-face within a week of talking. For many, procrastinating beyond this creates potential problems, especially as emotional attachment begins to form. Should your match not want to meet or virtually chat during this time (aside from schedule conflicts), cut them loose and move on to the following profile.

They Won’t Disclose Their Social Media Accounts

They won\u2019t disclose their social media accounts

Although a few people avoid social media, almost everyone will have some personal account they surf through occasionally. If the person you've talked to claims to avoid these websites, consider purchasing an accurate background check to confirm. Most background checks will also include a scan of social media profiles, allowing you to establish the truth behind their statement.

Should you discover multiple online accounts (whether dating or social media) after saying they have none, run for the hills. Anyone intentionally hiding their personal information early on in a relationship either has something to hide or is pretending to be someone entirely different. Likewise, this applies to a partner that has claimed to remove their dating profiles, but a background check proves multiple accounts are discovered. Either way, it doesn't set the relationship up for long-term success.

Something Doesn’t Add Up

Something Doesn\u2019t Add Up

What's commonly referred to as a "gut feeling" is the sensation of something feeling fantastic or terrible, for reasons we can't explain. Always trust your intuition when it comes to early interactions with others. Pay attention to the stories they share without being judgemental. Do they always have a big, elaborate tale to share? Perhaps their credentials in life don't add up to their current situation in life (for example, they boast extreme educational credentials but can't seem to find gainful employment).

If you begin to doubt that person's genuineness, authenticity, or credibility, it's likely easier to cut all contact before investing further. Always look for stories that seem far-fetched, dramatic, and over-the-top, particularly when it comes to life events or family stories. Yes, people occasionally have a bad stretch of history, but it may be more fiction than fact if their life resembles a movie.

Catfishing is particularly common when it comes to online dating. Unfortunately, many individuals would rather hide behind someone else's images (whether it's boredom, suspicion, or malicious intent). If you suspect that the person you're chatting with isn't authentic, walk away immediately. Some catfishing attempts will request money, gift cards, or other monetary expenses over time, leaving you vulnerable if you become emotionally attached.

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