Velour Lashes Eyeshape Lash Kit in "Almond-fluff’n edgy/fluff’n whispie" | The Odyssey Online
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Beauty Fashion

4 Sephora Products Every College Girl Should Put On Her Wish List

Sephora beauty products that could rock your world.

4 Sephora Products Every College Girl Should Put On Her Wish List

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The cosmetics industry is constantly creating new hypes, trends, and unique ways to apply makeup. When a product fails, we always look for newer solutions. As a long-time fan and user, here are the beauty products I wish I owned:

Guerlain Météorites Primer Perfecting Pearls

After watching a positive review of the Guerlain L'Or Radiance Primer from YouTube Beauty Guru Tati Westbrook, I wanted to learn more about the company. Guerlain is best known for their fragrance, Shalimar Parfum, which was brought to consumers in 1921.

This primer is different from L'Or Radiance because it targets users with combination or oily skin types. YouTube Beauty Guru Cassie (Thrift Thick) has been open about her struggle with makeup longevity and uses this product in her foundation wear videos. This product claims to create an even skin tone while neutralizing oils to create a matte look. This product costs $72 and has earned a spot on my wish list.

Dior Airflash Spray Foundation

In my experience using various foundation brands, it has been difficult to match my skin color and find a product I enjoy. After purchasing and using Georgio Armani's Luminous Silk Foundation for the past six months, I have learned that spending money on a great product is worth its cost. Luminous Silk is also combined with Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Long Wear Foundation to create a more custom color during my beauty routine. Dior Airflash Spray Foundation is on the wish list because of its positive review from YouTube Beauty Guru Jeffree Star. This product also has the versatility to be combined with other foundations and claims to create a beautiful air-brushed look. This product costs $62 and has earned a spot on my wish list.

Marc Jacobs Beauty Eye-Conic Multi-Finish Eyeshadow Palette in "Scandalust"

My favorite aspect of makeup application is the eyes. With rich, pigmented shades, you can take your eyes from natural beauty to drag extravaganza. My interest in this palette came from using Makeup Geek's Signature Eyeshadows in "Bitten" and "Cherry Cola". These red-based eyeshadows create a vampire-esque look when combined. Scandalust's eye shadow in "Scandalous" has a red shadow which peaked my interest. I also gravitated toward this palette for its rustic shimmer shades. YouTube Beauty Guru Johanna Herrstedt showcased the palette's shade-range and had me in love. This palette costs $49 dollars and has earned a spot on my wish list.

Velour Lashes Eyeshape Lash Kit in "Almond-fluff’n edgy/fluff’n whispie"

Eyelashes bring the look together. After experimenting with Ardell Wispies and Eyelure Vegas Nay False Eyelashes, I'm ready to experiment more. False eyelashes, like eyeshadow, can deliver different looks. They can be natural, exaggerated, or a variety of colors. The Velour Lashes Eyeshape Lash Kit in Almond made the list because they make the center of the eye more open versus a more cat eye effect. As a personal preference, I always make my eyes and contour lift my face up. I want my eyelashes to create the same effect. The eyelash band also looks durable enough for repeated use and a more dramatic appearance. This kit costs $45 and has earned a spot on my wish list.

What I have always appreciated about cosmetics is the capability to be unique from the crowd. Makeup users don't all wear the same products, and we all have our personal techniques to beautify. What beauty products do you wish you could buy?

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