"Friends" has described my life more times than I care to admit. So I gathered 37 of my favorite "Friends" quotes, that also describe my life perfectly.
- “I’m full, and yet I know if I stop eating this, I’ll regret it.”
- “Go tell him he’s cute. What’s the worst that could happen?” “He could hear me.”
- “I’m not great at the advice. Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?”
- “I say more dumb things before 9 a.m. than most people say all day.”
- “I just shouldn’t be allowed to make decisions anymore.” (This was actually my senior quote.)
- “I don’t like when people take food off my plate, okay?”
- “You hung up on the pizza place? I don’t hang up on your friends.”
- “I’m hopeless and awkward and desperate for love!”
- “I guess things were just going too well for me.”
- “My life is an embarrassment. I should just go live under somebody’s stairs.”
- “It’s so hard to care when you’re this relaxed.”
- “He’s so pretty, I want to cry.”
- “I mean, sure, I have my bad days, but then I remember what a cute smile I have.”
- “Oh, I’m sorry, did my back hurt your knife?”
- “Well, maybe I got a little upset, and maybe I told them where they could go.”
- “I have to go before I put your head through a wall.”
- “Don’t touch my computer. Don’t ever touch my computer.”
- “I guess I just never think of money as an issue.” “That’s because you have it.”
- “Phoebe, do you have a plan?” “I don’t even have a ‘pla’.”
- “I’ve had a very long, hard day.”
- “Hey, you cry every time somebody talks about Titanic.” “Those two had only each other.”
- “Wow, we really are bitches.”
- “I was so focused on being mad at you, I forgot what it was I was mad about.”
- “I wish I could, but I don’t want to.”
- “No uterus, no opinion.”
- “I hope it’s still funny when you’re in hell.”
- “Who says wine has to cost more than milk?”
- “Don’t you put words in people’s mouths. You put turkey in people’s mouths.”
- “Welcome to the real world! It sucks. You’re gonna love it.”
- “That sandwich was the only good thing in my life!”
- “Nice camouflage. For a minute, I almost didn’t see you.”
- “It’s a Sunday. I don’t move on Sundays.”
- “I’m gonna get all uncomfortable and probably make some stupid joke.”
- “I have no idea what’s going on, but I am excited!”
- “Let me think, let me think. Oh, I don’t care.”
- “Hell is filled with people like you.”
- “I don’t know what I’m gonna do with my life.”
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