3 Big Changes That Have Happened In My Life So Far In 2019 | The Odyssey Online
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3 Big Changes That Have Happened In My Life So Far In 2019

My whole mentality kind of changed overnight

3 Big Changes That Have Happened In My Life So Far In 2019
Maegan Brewer

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2019 has been a completely fresh start for me. I found a church home in Norman that I really love (Victory Family Church) and I've been having the best of luck lately. God just keeps on blessing me. I literally woke up one day and I craved more in my life and yet somehow my whole mentality kind of changed overnight. Like I'm the type of person who plans out everything down to detail but I figured it's time to take chances in the things that I'm interested in. Something just finally clicked in my mind.

This is all of the amazing things that have been happening to me in the past week:

I joined Sigma Phi Lambda

Elizabeth Nederhoff

Sigma Phi Lambda is a sorority to spend time with sisters who all want to grow together and to glorify the Lord and make His name great. I spent the night with my new sisters in a church for a new member retreat and I've made some really good friends out of it. I really enjoy it so far and all the girls are so nice and helpful. We have weekly chapter meetings and small groups plus we do service projects throughout the semester which I think is sweet too. I'm happy that I've been spending more time reading the bible, going to church and then hanging out with friends who are kind and encouraging. All of this has put me in a really good mood and I don't have much to complain about. I've always wanted to be a part of something like this and this feels like the perfect fit for me!

Gillian Cloar

Maegan Brewer

Then I got my twin sister and a big sister!

My twin, my big and I

Erin Psajdl

I made the Dean's Honor Roll at OU 


I got an email randomly one day while I was in a Starbucks line waiting for coffee that I made the Dean's Honor Roll for last semester! I couldn't believe it, but I'm proud of myself for it because I work super hard on everything I do for school and it's comforting to know that all my blood, sweat and tears will pay off one day. Like I'm not going to let anything stop me from accomplishing my goals.

I'm in the process of joining Phi Sigma Theta

Phi Sigma Theta

I then get another email a couple days later from an honor society at OU asking me to join. I asked some of my friends about it, one said it was a scam and my other friends said it's legit and that they want to join with me. I'm gonna join because it looks good on a resumé and if I plan on going to grad school, it makes me look even better (like I said earlier, I have big goals for myself and I'm not letting someone stop me.)

Bring it 2019, I'm ready for ya. Time to get busy and get things done!

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