5. Joe Biden As The Armitage Family (Get Out) | The Odyssey Online
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The 2020 Democratic Candidates As The Movie Villains Who Best Represent Their True Motives

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the most heinous of them all?

The 2020 Democratic Candidates As The Movie Villains Who Best Represent Their True Motives

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There are more than 20 candidates running for a chance at the Democratic nomination. I will be focusing on the six best polling candidates. I will point out, however, that while I haven't created comparisons for the other candidates, many are just as villainous.

1. Bernie Sanders as Lord Voldemort

Warner Bros. Pictures

Sanders and Lord Voldemort both became infatuated with exploration of the dark arts, in Bernie's case: Socialism. The dark arts has enveloped them both and holds them prisoner to its power. They both seek to destroy anything good, in Bernie's case: Capitalism and our constitutional republic.

2. Beto O'Rourke As The Joker

Warner Bros. Pictures

O'Rourke has a history of shifty behavior. His history of fossil fuel money is concerning to Democrats. For reference, in 2017-2018, Mr. O'Rourke received more oil and gas money than almost every other politician, second only to Ted Cruz (R-TX). The overwhelming feeling that he doesn't believe a word that comes out of his own mouth concerns everyone else. His hefty criminal history confirms that he is indeed the Joker. He wishes to cause destruction wherever he goes, for the sake of it.

3. Elizabeth Warren As Pennywise The Dancing Clown

Lin Pictures

Pennywise The Clown, as featured in the Stephen King Movie, 'IT', lures children in with promises of balloons, if they come into the sewer. Elizabeth Warren similarly promises Americans free college, free healthcare, and more.... if they travel into the sewer of socialism. Just like Pennywise, she doesn't warn of what is to come as a result. Also similar to Pennywise, for those she can't lure with promises, she appears as their worst nightmare: complete authoritative government control of their lives.

4. Kamala Harris As Scar


The Lion King Wiki got it right when they described Scar as 'highly intelligent and charismatic, able to rally the hyenas to his cause and gain fanatical loyalty from Zira and her pride of lionesses.' Kamala Harris will say anything to rally support behind her. She is only interested in power, as shown by her lack of concise answers. She is a people pleaser because she needs their support, but mark my words: she will turn around and betray them all.

5. Joe Biden As The Armitage Family (Get Out)

Blumhouse Productions

Joe Biden has chosen to use his history with Barack Obama to further him in 2020 election. His history with the first ever black president of the United States is not enough to make up for his past. In 1975, a young Biden opposed implementation measures for integrating schools. We see his race-baiting even in his campaign kickoff video, where he exploited those hurt or killed in Charlottesville for his own political gain. The Armitage family from 'Get Out' similarly relied on their past with Barack Obama to lure in their black victims. Mr. Armitage even says "I would have voted for Obama a third time if I could". Joe Biden, like the Armitage family, plans to take advantage of black Americans.

6. Pete Buttigieg As Hannibal Lecter

Strong Heart/Demme Production

Hannibal Lecter is arguably one of the most intelligent movie villains of all time. His knowledge and reason are unmatched. Despite his brainpower, he continues to murder and eat people. Yikes. Mayor Pete, as they call him, is also well educated. Buttigieg is a former naval reserves lieutenant and graduated from Harvard University. He was also a Rhodes Scholar at Pembroke College. Additionally, Mr. Mayor is said to speak up to eight languages, some of which, he taught himself. With that being said, his ideas do not reflect his education and capacity for knowledge. His policy proposals would metaphorically eat Americans alive.

I can only hope these exaggerated comparisons help reveal some of the true intentions of these candidates. Question everything. Don't believe everyone who claims to be on your side, or in your best interest. Ask why. Ask how. Ask about feasibility. Seek out the truth.

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