20 Must-Read Books For Summer
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20 Must-Read Books For Summer

These charming classics will make your summer truly complete.

20 Must-Read Books For Summer
Fashion Minutes

Speaking from personal experience, summer vacation is a much-needed time for relaxation, filled with music, entertainment, long walks at the park, and lazy hammock naps in the sunshine. On the other hand, it can also be a complete mess. Internships, jobs, resume-building, and other commitments can make for an extremely chaotic "vacation," which is why, as I'm preparing for the months ahead, I'm putting aside time for me, myself, and I through books. I fell out of love with reading after my weekly reading assignments for school began exceeding 100 pages per week. So, with this handy list of classics and newly published novels, I'm ready for a summer filled with romance, mystery, and endless adventures.

1. Anything is Possible by Elizabeth Strout

A small town with small town characters and small town problems. This is all you need for a heartwarming tale to fill your summer.

2. Bad Feminist by Roxane Gay

To say I am excited to explore this book is an understatement. In her collection of essays, Roxane Gay discusses modern-day feminism and the internal contradictions women face in being authentic feminists while indulging in “anti-feminist” interests.

3. Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom

I can guarantee that you will cry if you open this book. A beautiful memoir about a man reconnecting with his professor who is dying from ALS, this book will have you in tears this summer.

4. Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë

Complicated love - it’s what we hopeless romantics feed off of. This classic revolves around the passionate and painful romance between the dark, controlling Heathcliff and Catherine Linton, a whimsical young woman whose family ‘adopts’ Heathcliff as a servant. If you like the Byronic hero kind of character, you’ll fall hopelessly in love. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

5. And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie

Readying any Agatha Christie mystery novel makes for a chilling experience. This intricate murder mystery discusses the invitation of 10 random people to an isolated island where they all are eventually murdered by an unknown killer. The first time I read this book, I could not finish it fast enough to satisfy my need to know what happened next. Out of rage, I flung it on the floor of the airplane in which I was reading it. I was 15 - trust me, this book will bring out your crazy side.

6. S-Town hosted by Brian Reed

I suppose this is cheating because S-Town is an audio book but wow, I have never been so dedicated to listening to anything as I was to this story. We’re talking about 7 hours during which investigative journalist, Brian Reed, discusses the mysterious life of John B. McLemore, a curious, complex man living in the deep south. Treasure, murder, scandal - all will be explored in this true story of an extraordinary man in an ordinary town.

7. Peregrinajes/Pilgrimages: Theorizing Coalition Against Multiple Oppressions by Maria Lugones

I was fortunate to read one of the many essays Lugones includes in this masterpiece. At the time, I considered it an assignment for my metaphysics class but now, I am so deeply connected to Lugones that my identity as a feminist would be incomplete without her input. Her discussion of connection between and ‘worlds’ of women of color, Lugones can reveal a new shade of experience to light for any reader.

8. Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes

The title should be convincing enough - my friend got me this book for Christmas and when I re-read it, I do not plan on putting it down. The queen of television, Shonda Rhimes, recalls her year-long journey of saying ‘yes’ to everything that scares her. If you’re anything like me i.e. you’re burdened by your insecurities, this is a must.

9. Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? by Mindy Kaling

Mindy Kaling - my hero. The messy behind-the-scenes of celebrity life, growing up chubby, and hilarious, embarassing anecdotes make this one of my all-time favorite reads.

10. The Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling

The highlight of childhood for millennials. The Harry Potter series sparks a sense of magic, wonder, justice, the list goes on and on. I’ve decided to indulge myself and re-read all 7 books this summer - or should I say re-re-re-re-read?

I've spent too many summers doing things others expected me to do, or things that made me a strong candidate for jobs, college, law school, and so on. This summer, however, it's time for a change, and time for a nap on the lawn and a book to keep me company.

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