20 Truly Valuable Lessons I've Learned In 20 Years
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20 Truly Valuable Lessons I've Learned In 20 Years

There are quite a few life lessons that come your way after being alive for two decades.

20 Truly Valuable Lessons I've Learned In 20 Years
Emily Kirwin

Saturday was my 20th birthday (woohoo!) and I’ve realized that there’s a lot I’ve learned in the past two decades. Most of these things I’ve realized in the past couple of years, but they apply to an entire lifetime.

1. Never be afraid to say yes.

There have been so many times I’ve backed out of great opportunities because I’ve been too scared or felt as though not participating would lead me astray. In some situations, saying no was the right choice, but I’ve found that saying yes has let me bring so many amazing and incredible memories into my life.

2. Always call your mom (or guardian).

My mom and I are super close and I’m very happy about our relationship. Since my older brother is now living in DC, my parents have an empty house. Calling her just to say hi or sending a quick text makes me happy because I know she feels the love I want to express.

3. Worrying about the distant future harms you in the present.

I’m a worrier, and monitoring my anxiety has always been tough. I realized that worrying about the super distant future hurts me in the present and has taken the experiences and memories I make into something not as fun or special.

4. Make sure you always have access to a key to your room/building.

When I studied abroad in London, my roommate and I decided that we would only bring one key with us after going to a club. Unfortunately, that was not a smart move because we split up. This has become the one thing I will always remember to bring with me, because I never want to relive waking up the RA at 6 a.m.

5. Eating that piece of cake or plate of nachos is always worth it.

OK, so maybe treating yourself every single day of the year isn’t the best idea, but when the opportunity arises, yes. Please do it.

6. Having a support system is super important.

I’ve been able to find some of the best people in the past two years who will always support me no matter what. I’m so happy they’re in my life. Having them there makes stress melt away.

7. Make time for yourself.

Stressing out about school and social life has brought me to realize that making time for myself is super important. Even if it’s just sitting and surfing around Spotify, I always feel so much better after. A little Zen goes a long way.

8. Find something you love to do, and do it.

It took me a while to realize what I wanted to do with myself and my life -- and I’m so happy that I’ve followed a path to what I want to do. And honestly, this doesn’t even have to be major-related. I also love yoga and spotting dogs and listening to Drake’s music. It’s the little things that make life worth living.

9. It's OK to ask for help.

This is probably the biggest lesson I’ve learned. Whether it’s school or social life related, asking someone for the help you need makes things easier. It may be hard to ask for help but life is hard and you need it sometimes.

10. Make sure you know where your drink is at all times.

I can’t stress this enough. It’s scary going to a party with a ton of people you don’t know. Having a sight on my drink is something I’m always aware of.

11. You're really not good at math.

I haven’t taken a math course in almost three years now, and I’m scared to take statistics over the summer. Math is not my forte and it’s going to be super tricky.

12. There are going to be tough professors in college -- but they shouldn't define your college experience.

I’ve had the hardest professor over this past year, and although this isn’t a course that counts for my major, it’s still been super challenging turning in assignments to him. The professors who don’t care about their students make college unfair -- but they shouldn’t define how I feel about my college experience.

13. Being a feminist is the most important thing you'll ever be.

I’m all for female empowerment, especially after learning more and more about the gap between males and females and all the unfairness in the world. I’ve realized that this is something I’m super passionate about and that all women (and people) should be passionate about.

14. Make sure all important dates are in a calendar somewhere.

The amount of times I’ve been unsure if I’m missing a class, an assignment or an important meeting makes me so worried. Using iCalendar and an agenda has made life so easy because I always know when something is due and where I need to be at a certain time.

15. Flowers/succulents/cacti always make the day better.

Whenever I walk by the florist shop on campus, I stop and stare at the flowers outside the shop for a little bit because they always look so happy. I have two succulents and a cactus in my room, and they make me feel like such a proud mom.

16. Don't live in regrets.

There are some things I regret, but I’m also happy I’ve had these regrets. They've allowed me to grow stronger and become less naïve.

17. Spend time outside -- it's human nature.

I took a class in ethics this semester and found out that it’s actually normal for me to want to be in the woods and walk along the Charles River. I hope everyone gets the itch to be outside. Go do it -- it’s so peaceful and even helps you make time for yourself!

18. Always check the weather.

You never know when you’re going to need an umbrella when there’s sideways rain, no transportation in sight and you need to walk a mile home.

19. Pack your school bag the night before.

Sometimes in the morning, there's a debate over whether or not you will want to go to class. In case you decide last minute, pack your bag the night before so that you're not rushing and you don't forget a notebook or protein bar. I've started doing this. I'm now less forgetful of things I have to do the next day and it's made the days so much better.

20. Growing up might be scary, but there are so many opportunities and life experiences that are yet to happen.

I kind of had a crisis a couple months ago about turning 20. I’m now officially in my 20s and I’m so excited to see where life takes me. I can’t wait to experience new things and the end result is what I look forward to.

Life is a funny thing. We spend such a short amount of time here, but it's so significant to all those around you. Make sure you live it to the fullest and realize that every speed bump that comes your way is just a lesson in disguise.

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