20 facts about me | The Odyssey Online
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20 Facts About Me

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20 Facts About Me

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I have been writing for the Odyssey for almost two years and I've had an epiphany. I realized that not many of my readers know much about me. I find it easy to remain anonymous and only provide the surface level of who I am on media platforms. Yet, my content is who I am and if you're interested in more than the writer in me, here are twenty facts about me.

1. Writing speaks to me because it’s silent and loud all at once. To touch someone by wording something perfectly normal as an echo in someone’s mind, is a craft and an art.

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2. I’m a full-time college student and I am currently entering my last year of undergrad.


3. I strive on independence. As the oldest of five, I’ve learned how to manage people and to be on my own.


4. I love to cook and I love to eat. A perfect combination I believe.

5. I look up to my grandmother, she is my motivator, a light in this world that doesn’t go unnoticed.

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6. During the summer I work in retail. Retail can be hectic and rewarding. I love fashion and styling people is more fun than it sounds.


7. My dream job is to have multiple jobs. I want to be an author, a psychologist, a designer, a model, and an influencer.


8. My favorite time of the year is the summer. There is nothing like the sun on my skin and spending time with family.


9. I don’t like chocolate. Yes, that goes for any kind of chocolate and any form. I do love anything gummy.


10. Anything that you’re watching on Netflix? I’ve probably already seen it. But, “Santa Clarita Diet” and Beyoncé’s “Homecoming” are my recent favorites.


11. Fitness and health are both priorities to me, everything I do revolves around how it affects me.


12. I have had the same best friend since sixth grade and we are basically family. She’s my sister I never knew I needed.


13. Learning has always excited me. Even while the setting might not be my favorite, getting to learn from others always excites and motivates me.


14. My favorite store is Fashion Nova. If you follow me on Instagram, you probably know this already. I am a little obsessed with their whole store.


15. I thrive on organization. I make color-coded and detailed study guides for exams, and I like to plan ahead on everything. I tend to get anxious if things are not organized to my liking.


16. I will start dancing anywhere, I love moving, laughing, and just enjoying life.


17. When I was little I used to write screenplays for television shows, skits, books, poems, and now, Odyssey articles.


18. Traveling is something I have a passion for, I am currently traveling throughout England which is a beautiful country.


19. I am an introvert so while I love being around people and connecting with others, I always value and prioritize my alone time above all else. I need to use that to regain my energy and prepare for the next day.


20. I value honesty and respect and transparency from others, and through this article, I hope to give that to my readers also.


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