19 Places On My Travel Bucket List
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19 Places On My Travel Bucket List

"Oh, the places you'll go..."

19 Places On My Travel Bucket List

If anyone knows me, they know that I have an intense wanderlust. My parents have been taking me on trips around the United States ever since I was little, and I have been fortunate enough to be part of many school trips from elementary school to college. I've been to 15 of the 50 states, as well as Washington D.C.. I have traveled outside of the U.S. three times now, and overseas twice out of those three times. There are many more places on my list to travel to, and more adventures to come that I haven't even thought of yet. These are a collection of places around the world that I hope to one day go to.

1. Martinique

This little island in the south end of the Caribbean has always been on my list of places to travel to. My grandparents had the luxury of traveling here before they had kids, and they were showing us a photo album they made that also included a couple more islands on my list. I grew up learning French with my dad and through school, and I've done many projects about the rich beauty of Martinique. I will actually be taking a plane into the capital Fort-de-France this upcoming January and staying on the island a few days.

2. Cuba

Another beautiful island on my grandparent's trip, Cuba, is absolutely stunning. Known for its old cars, colorful buildings, and famous cigars, this island has captured my interest. Although the United States doesn't have the greatest trek with Cuba, it's on it's way up. I cannot wait until I have the opportunity to visit.

3. Guatemala

The last island on my grandparent's adventures is Guatemala. A stunningly beautiful island is so highly underrated. One day I hope to capture this image in my own unique way, and explore the island, learning about its culture and traditions.

4. Wales

This is Carew Castle, in the Welsh county of Pembrokeshire. Most of my family heritage is from Wales, and I have always had a fascination with going there. My dad has been before, and from everything he has told me, it's worth traveling to. I know it's not the most popular tourist destination, but I'm going anyways.

5. Portugal

Although most people usually look to Spain as their western European travel destination, I really have no desire to go there. Portugal stole more of my heart than Spain ever will. To its stunning cliff-side cities to the crystal blue waters, Portugal will never leave my list.

6. Cayman Islands

When I was in elementary school, I had a friend that used to travel to the Cayman Islands almost every year. She so often brought me back money and shells from the island, and always had a million pictures to show me of her adventures. She got the idea to ride horses bareback on the white sands of the beaches.

7. Ethiopia

Ever since my cousin Amare was adopted from Ethiopia, I've had a fascination with going to the village he was born in. His biological family is still there, and I've always wanted to meet them and learn more about their culture. Maybe someday, and maybe I'll even take Amare with me, back to the Bale Mountains of Ethiopia.

8. Greece

Another European country that has always been on my mind to travel to is Greece. With it's rich history and beautiful scenery, I don't know why anyone would ever not want to visit there. I'm actually looking to study abroad in Thessaloniki, so watch out for me in Greece in Spring 2019!

9. New Zealand

Now, if I ever go to New Zealand, I of course have to find my way across the water to visit Australia as well. One doesn't simply travel to New Zealand without going to Australia. Just can't happen. My mom has told me a few stories of her travels to New Zealand from when she was younger, and I fell in love with the idea of going there. Plus, I really want to go and bungee-jump where my mom did, which I believe was the first commercial site for bungee-jumping. I still need to find the video she took of her jumping off.

10. Hawai'i

Speaking of my mom, she has always wanted to go to Hawai'i, and ever since she has told me that, I have wanted to take her there. Besides it being one of the states in my journey to go to all 50 states in the United States before I turn 25 (I've been to 16 by now, including Washington D.C.), it's just a beautiful place that everyone should get to experience at some point in their lifetime. One day, I will take my mom there. She will probably cry.

11. Egypt

I know it may be stereotypical to want this, but I really want to see the Great Pyramids of Egypt. This landmark is just one of those things that you hear about in history class growing up, but never think you'll be able to see them one day. A goal I have in life is to see some of the great wonders of the world, and these pyramids make the list.

12. Thailand

Growing up with my mom being super spiritual-minded and a little hippy-do-da, I'm always hearing about Buddhists and ancient temples and chakras, really anything spiritual you could think of from all different cultures. Thailand is just one of the many places I've had my heart set on visiting, mainly to teach English there. I had a teacher in high school that spiked my interest in teaching overseas, and she told me through her experience, Thailand was one of her favorite countries to travel to.

13. Newfoundland

Besides this being one of my favorite breeds of dog, I really want to travel to this island. The insanely colorful buildings alone would be a reason for me to go there. The landscape everywhere is completely picturesque, from the grand national parks to the waterside where you have to potential to see icebergs floating by.

14. Turkey

Technically, I've already been to Turkey. When I traveled to Georgia (the country) last May, we had an eight hour layover in Istanbul Atatürk Airport, but I don't count that I've been because we never left the airport. So this beautiful country is still on my list of places to visit.

15. Cambodia

My cousin Josh had the amazing opportunity to do a travel course to Cambodia last summer for two weeks for a volunteer program. I want to experience the culture there and see all the old ruins and temples.

16. France

Ah, France. Now, while most people would want to go to Paris and see the Eiffel Tower, my ideal destination in France is Lyon. With it's stunning rivers that run through the city, and beautiful and diverse architecture, old and new, it's where I would want to go to for my France experience. (I'll make it to the Eiffel Tower eventually).

17. Madagascar

Although this isn't the first place people usually think to visit, I'm sure most people have seen the DreamWorks movie "Madagascar". I want to see all the amazing creatures that roam the land. Especially the lemurs.

18. Crete

OK, I know that this island is part of Greece, but it is the largest island part of Greece. I was supposed to go on a study abroad trip through People to Peoples for 19 days the summer before freshman year of high school. We were supposed to go it Italy, Sicily, Crete, and Greece (main island). So hopefully one day I can make that trip on my own.

19. Philippines

The gorgeous blue waters of the Philippines are highly intriguing, and to be able to take a boat and just travel around all the little islands and just swim and relax. I really want to try the foods and experience the culture. Even though the Philippines is the last on this list, there are many more places around the world that I wish to travel to before I die.

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