In the heart of western PA lies Johnstown, a town known for floods, bars, churches, banks, and a few thousand college kids who show up in late August every year for classes at the place those students either love or hate, UPJ.
1.You hate patiently waiting to schedule for classes.
2.You’re from either Pittsburgh or around Johnstown unless you are that like 1% of kids that are from some random state.
3.You know the struggle of waiting on the login screen in the labs.There is enough time between putting in your password and username and officially getting on to the desktop to walk over to walk to the nursing building and back.
4.You get lost between Krebs and Biddle because they look exactly the same.
5.You slip on the sidewalks every winter no matter what shoes you have on.
6.You might even consider bringing hockey skates up to campus just for that reason.
7.You’ve bought cookies from one of the clubs that sit in the lobbies.
8.You never crave Sodexo.Because Sodexo is almost synonymous with food poisoning.
9.You associate driving around campus with potholes.
10.You fight to get up the stairs in Blackington.
You know the single-file only stuff you learned in elementary school? This is where it's to show that you've mastered it.
11.You never or always see Spectar walking around campus.
12.You include Jazzman’s in your monthly budget because you need a carmel latte, a tea, and a cookie everyday to survive your class.
13.You’ve risked parking in faculty parking before.Or at Penn Highlands or somewhere else that isn't for your use.
14.You get the “Oh, you go to UPJ…”And you reply something like "Yeah I do..." with a half-smile.You've taken a selfie by the Mountain Cat.
15.You know who Helen is.The sweet grandma-like lady who is always happy and helpful in the cafeteria. She probably knows who you are and says something like "Hi honey" to you and every other student in the lunch line.
16.You’ve been to The Commons.You’ve heard of the UPJ crushes."I'd mix fluids with Robby R. from Chem."
17. You wonder where your tuition goes too.
Maybe the new stairs? The next apartments they are building? ipads? Events that you probably don't attend? A paper shredder?
18.You think the PPAC is way too far from the Sports Center.It's pretty much an extension of the trails.
19.You get asked why you didn’t go to Pitt Oakland.If you're from Pittsburgh, you probably say something like "oh, because I want something a little smaller and all of my high school friends were going there so I didn't want to go to Pitt Main too.
If you've already graduated, go reminisce about your times at UPJ. If you're still there, make some more memories at this not-so-bad university.