15 Questions I've Had Growing Up In The Church
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15 Questions I've Had Growing Up In The Church

What's wrong with AC/DC??

15 Questions I've Had Growing Up In The Church
Justin Mier

Being raised in a pretty religious environment has taught me several valuable life lessons. Like apparently it's considered a social faux-pas to not participate in the children's choir. (I was the sulky one that never sang. I just stood in the back row and pouted.)

I never really bought into every little aspect of Christianity either because I love asking questions, which as a kid was really just me being the loudmouth snot in Sunday School that was ready to debate with the teacher about everything. But I had questions that weren't strictly about the Bible, questions that as it turns out, a lot of people who grew up in similar situations to me had.

1. Why are all of your arguments based on only one text?

The Bible is definitely an extremely important text, and not just in a religious sense. It gives us a look at what life was like thousands of years ago. But honestly, if the only thing you have to bring to a debate is quoted scripture from the same text, you start to sound like a scratchy CD playing the same bit over and over again.

2. Why do you love claiming that science and God are "at odds with each other"?

If anything, science makes God even cooler, because we get to learn how everything works and is put together in the universe around us. And science means modern medicine. And modern medicine plays a big role in a lot of these "medical miracles" so try not to bite the hand that feeds you, OK?

3. Why do you guys hate dinosaurs so much?

Like, they were giant lizards that ate other giant lizards. That's awesome.


I cannot properly express how frustrated I would get when my question about the logistics of something in the Bible got deflected by the instructor. If I can't ask questions, then I must be wasting my time here.

5. Why do you think "Because God said so" is a suitable answer for everything?

Because it's not. It's about as irritating as "It's God's will".

6. Why should non-heterosexuals who consider themselves Christians repress who they are?

Just because you (for some odd reason) find it offensive that they love people with the same reproductive organs, it doesn't mean God does. That's why God is better than us, because he doesn't give a rat's ass if Jim and Johnny are madly in love. He loves them regardless, something we need to start working on before anything else.

7. Why do you misquote scripture to suit your needs?

It's tacky and cheap and everyone (especially church leaders) need to stop it.

8. Why do you think it's acceptable to use the Bible to condemn one "sin" but not the rest?

Because if God is serious about punishing us for premarital sex, then you can bet he's punishing 50% of y'all for getting a divorce and remarrying.

9. Why shouldn't we teach sex-ed in schools?

Most of you aren't doing it at home, and kids need to learn about safe sex and prevention from somewhere besides the Internet.

10. When are we going to move away from the idea of marriage and kids being the pinnacle of success?

It could be for some people, but it's not for most. For most people, success is being spiritually, mentally and financially secure, something that isn't even a reality for a lot of people.

11. When is the condemnation of secular music gonna stop?

Rock and roll isn't the Devil's music.

Country is.

12. Why can't I wear clothes I want to wear?

God blessed me with this one body. God blessed every girl with a beautiful body, so quit judging us for wearing as much or as little as we please. Yes, we have breasts, legs and thighs, and they're not going away anytime soon.

13. Why is it taboo to not attend service just because I have other things to do?

I have a life outside of church, get over it. (And honestly, if your entire faith is riding on your consistent attendance to church every Sunday, it's probably time to re-evaluate your life choices.)

14. Why do you think it's your job to police non-Christians?

Just because you might believe in something, it doesn't give you some type of moral high ground. You look like an ass when you act like you do so on behalf of everyone, I'm telling you to stop.

And probably the most important question of all...

15. Why are seats in every church so uncomfortable?

I have to sit there for AT LEAST an hour, my tush demands comfort.

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