15 Great Books Every College Student Should Read
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15 Great Books Every College Student Should Read

15 Great Books Every College Student Should Read

1. A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius, Dave Eggers.

This memoir follows a college senior who loses both of his parents and has to take care of his young brother. It sounds really depressing, but is actually hilarious as well as introspective.

2. A Tale for the Time Being, by Ruth Ozeki.

This book is magical and beautiful. It tells two connected stories. One is of a teenage girl, Nao, in Japan who wishes to tell the life story of her great grandmother, a Buddhist nun. The other is of a writer, Ruth, living on an island, who finds Nao's diary in a Hello Kitty lunch box, washed ashore with debris from the 2011 tsunami. Their two perspectives intertwine as they each explore concepts and truths of the universe in their parallel journeys.

3. Just Kids, by Patti Smith.

This memoir celebrates youth, art, and love in New York during a very cool time. Patti Smith is a goddess and I want to be her.

4. The Razors Edge, Somerset Maugham.

This novel is a love story, a war story, an exploration of the value of material items, and a spiritual journey. It's really beautiful and has great characters.

5. Anna Karenina, by Leo Tolstoy.

This famous novel is super long, but actually worth reading. It tells the story of a love affair, taking place in sprawling, imperial Russia. It deals with heartbreak, depression, love, and choices.

6. 1Q84, Kafka on the Shore, Norwegian Wood, The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami.

Murakami is an incredible writer who uses surreal elements and western pop-culture references to spin wild tales involving cats, spirits, parallel universes, and other mystical concepts. All of these books should be read immediately.

7. White Teeth, Zadie Smith.

This story focuses on multiple generations of the two families of war buddies, Samad Iqbal and Archie Jones. It starts in 1975 and ends in 2000 and throughout, tells a funny and fascinating story of clashing cultures and family conflicts. This book is especially relevant to students because Zadie Smith wrote it in college and it was published when she was only 24.

9. Cat's Cradle, Kurt Vonnegut.

Dark and funny, this apocalyptic story is so absurd that it's amazing. Seriously, the plot is so crazy that it's too hard to explain in a few sentences. Also, read anything else by Vonnegut such as Slaughterhouse-Five, or Hocus Pocus.

10. The Love Affairs of Nathaniel P. by Adelle Waldman.

This novel gives a glimpse into the mind of a man on the rise in the literary world and dives into his assessment of the women he dates. It presents a view of the modern dating world through the male perspective.

11. Watchmen, by Alan Moore.

This is so much more than a comic book. It's an introspective exploration of an alternative universe where superheroes have been present in historical events since the 1940's. It is entertaining, dark, beautifully crafted, and filled with hidden messages.

12. Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse.

If you have not already read this for a class, you should. It describes a spiritual journey and holds many insights into the meaning of human life. Also really good by Hesse is Demian.

13. Bossypants, by Tina Fey.

Unsurprisingly, a funny and insightful memoir that's a very good read.

14. Fountainhead by Ayn Rand.

This controversial novel tells a powerful story about how far one should go for greatness and the value of the individual. Love or hate Ayn Rand, it's a fascinating read.

15. The Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls.

This memoir follows a strange and dysfunctional family as they navigate through a life in poverty, always with a hopeful dream.

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