Trying to lie down while wearing your glasses is impossible. | The Odyssey Online
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14 Truths Only People With Bad Vision Can See With 20/20 Clarity

What is it like to have good vision? I honestly have no idea.

14 Truths Only People With Bad Vision Can See With 20/20 Clarity

In This Article:

You grew up wearing glasses or you got glasses when you were older. Either way, you know the struggles.

Trying to lie down while wearing your glasses is impossible.


Even though you've had glasses for years you still have yet to figure out how to lay down with glasses and not break them or have them fall off your face.

You prefer contacts over glasses or glasses over contacts.


They are two very different sensations, but everyone has their preference.

You have a distinct memory of trying contacts


No matter if you got it quickly or absolutely hated them, you have definitely tried them at some point.

If you wear glasses, people are shocked to see you without them

Honestly, I don't even recognize myself sometimes.

If you wear contacts, people are shocked to see you in glasses

"yOu WeAr GlAsSeS?"

People always ask if they can try on your glasses.

And then they either immediately take them off and screeching from the blurriness or looking baffled and saying, "Wow you really do have bad vision."

Trying on your glasses when you wear contacts.


And you don't even recognize yourself for a second.

If you're like me and HAVE AWFUL VISION, you get incredibly annoyed when people with -1.5 prescription complain about being unable to see


I'm a -10 and -9 so please tell me how it's impossible for you to see. YOU CAN BUY GLASSES AT TARGET.

You wonder what it's like to actually be able to see.


I've had glasses for 15 years and can't even imagine what it's like to be able to see with just your eyeballs.

You wonder if you could survive without glasses.


My roommate and I have tried to see if I could walk to class without glasses. It didn't go so well.

You've been called "four-eyes" throughout your entire life.

Because it's SO funny to make a joke out of your pain.

You're always worried about reflections in your lenses in photos.


It doesn't happen often but when it does, you don't even realize until you're trying to post the picture on Instagram.

Picking out glasses is the most fun you can possibly have.

It's like creating an entire new identity. You have to find the perfect frames that capture everything about you.

Losing your glasses is the worst. thing. ever.



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