$13.99 Signs You Unfortunately Work In Retail
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$13.99 Signs You Unfortunately Work In Retail

We all love shopping in retail stores, but working in one? Not so much.

$13.99 Signs You Unfortunately Work In Retail

It is summer time, meaning fun in the sun, time with friends and family, and if you're like me, slaving away 30 hours of your life in a retail store. And of course, retail has its perks: being in the air-conditioned store, the fellow employees who share in your pain, and the cash you're making doesn't hurt either. But there is a reason why people always say, "retail is so bad," and you probably will not understand it until you have worked on the other side of the cash register, but I will use this article as a means to give you a little insight into the harsh reality of working a retail store and just exactly why it is "so bad".

1. You see a coupon and break into a cold sweat.

Yes, everyone loves a good deal, even myself. But for that cashier, it is equivalent to a lot of fear. Because let me tell you, telling that customer that their coupon does not qualify with their purchase--or God forbid it is expired--is equivalent to telling them you have to amputate their right arm. Then, after breaking the news, you are sure to be asked, "Can you just use it anyway" or they start to drop jokes like, "How about you use your discount on me," or the worst one, "Can I speak to your manager?" a conversation that will hold up the whole line and make the odds of the next customer yelling at you even higher.

2. You've been to the doctor because of a sensor gun injury.

This might just be something that has happened to me, but maybe one of my fellow retail workers can relate. Getting those pesky sensors off of EVERYTHING requires a lot of muscle and lots of effort. On my part, so much effort that I have actually injured my arm--no joke, it is swollen and hurts like a bitch. Gotta love when a customer comes up with 30 items and watches you take off all the hangers--more like struggle with taking off all the hangers--and the sensors off every single item, and then asks at the end, "You sure you got them all off?" then starts going through all the folded clothes you JUST put in the bag. Oh, how I love retail.

3. You walk into any store and feel compelled to fold all the shirts on display.

One of the dreaded tasks for any retail employee is fixing the folds on the various displays. It is a repetitive task that seems somewhat pointless as it takes .2 milliseconds for someone to ruin all the hard work you put into the task (and that is not an exaggeration). But it's something you will do so many times that you could do it blindfolded. And on the off day that you are not working (not likely) and want to do some shopping (also not likely), you will walk into any other store and immediately feel compelled to fix the sloppy folds in front of you even if you are off the clock (and it's not even your store).

4. You never walk into any store right before closing because you are a decent human being who understands that these employees have lives and beds to get to at 10 PM that night.

You understand the nightmare that is a closing shift. Which means you also get the pain of customers who walk into the store two minutes before it closes because it is a lovely night to do some shopping (trust me, to all those employees, it is not a lovely night). So you will never walk into a store before closing, ever--like never.

5. Your motto is, "Smile through the pain."

When working in retail, customer service is key. So you usually have to smile at the customer even though on the inside you are frowning. You just gotta smile through the pain and fake enjoyment, laugh at most of the stupid jokes related to discounts, and just pretend you're having a good time. If you keep pretending you're having a good time, you eventually just will...right?

6. You roll your eyes every time you hear, "I'd like to speak to your manager."

Customers constantly think that by calling your manager, the rules will magically change, that their coupon won't be expired anymore, or that they will automatically get their way because the customer is always right. But sometimes I don't mind if they call my manager because at least they will start yelling at them rather than yelling at me for something I do not control.

7. You physically shudder when a customer complains about all the things you don't control in the store.

"The signs are all misleading", "This is ridiculous, isn't there some coupon behind the register?" "I don't want the second pair for 50% off, can't you just sell me the first pair 50% off?" Please stop complaining to me about all the problems you see in the store. There is nothing I can do about it, I am not the CEO, I'm just trying to pay my bills people.

8. You laugh at people who do not understand that a coupon has an expiration date.

For the love of GOD, just check your coupon expiration dates before you get to the store. If you came just because you had a coupon, make sure the coupon will work and don't yell at ME when it doesn't.

9. You try not to cry every morning you wake up having to work that day.

Working retail is rough. It is a job that requires tremendous work ethic and a thick skin. It's hard getting out of bed every day to just go stand behind a register or fold clothes. I don't blame you for tearing up a little bit every morning before work.

10. You try not to purposely get in a minor car accident just to avoid going into work.

I can not say I haven't seriously considered a little fender-bender to just avoid a shift and have a good excuse to be a no-call, no-show. Now, I am not talking anything life harming, just a little tap-tap, something with minimal damage. Not that I would ever do it, but boy, have I thought about it.

11. You tell yourself it is worth it, but then you realize you are making minimum wage.

We work in retail because, at the end of the day, it is an easy job with easy money. It is all worth it in the end if we are making money, right? That is the reason I use every day to get myself to work. But I have to say, minimum wage doesn't really pay for all the psychological damage that working in retail has caused.

12. You never bring up anything to a register without a UPC.

For those who do not know what a UPC is, it is that barcode cashiers use to ring up all your purchases, and without it, unfortunately, we will have to find the product with it. No, it does not mean it is free, and no, we can't just type in the price or scan something similar. If you're so bothered by having to wait to get that barcode, DON'T bring anything up to the register without one--it's as simple as that.

13. Your eye twitches when a customer says to you, "They do it every time I have been here before, do you need me to show you how?"

When you have those crabby customers who don't understand that no, I can't do what you say without asking my manager. The customer that tries to step behind the register and show you how to do your job. Please back up and let me ask my manager if I am allowed to fulfill your request before I get fired.


Just because.

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