13 Scary Movies To Watch This Halloween | The Odyssey Online
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13 Scary Movies To Watch This Halloween

Be prepared to not get much sleep after this movie night.

13 Scary Movies To Watch This Halloween

Halloween is here, and it's not too late to watch some scary movies. If you're not out trick-or-treating on this scary Monday, pop some corn and turn off the lights. I've compiled a list of 13 scary movies that are perfect to watch on Halloween and leave you questioning whether you should sleep or not.

1. Halloween

A classic series about a serial killer. There are eight movies in this series. I haven't seen them all, but the first few were amazing. I remember watching the first one randomly while I was home alone in about 6th grade. I asked my mom why people thought these movies were scary. If you're not scared easily, this will give you a laugh instead of a scare.

2. Saw

Let's play a game, shall we? Saw is another classic series. A group of people wake up trapped somewhere and have to escape, but escape is close to impossible. I highly recommend this series if you're looking for a scare.

3. Human Centipede

This movie isn't scary as much as it is creepy. I've heard many friends talk about how creepy and gross it is that I just can't bring myself to watch it yet. It's on my list, and maybe the Halloween season will help me brave up and watch it. Either way, if you're in the mood for creepy instead of scary, this movie is a must.

4. The Shining

Here's Johnny! I first saw The Shining a year and a half ago. I'm a little behind on classic movies, but this one is a must! It's scary, creepy, and ominous. A perfect movie for your Halloween movie night!

5. Beetlejuice

Say it three times and see what happens. I haven't seen this movie in forever, and it always scared me as a kid. Good thing my mom loved it and was there to hide behind! I'll definitely be watching this one for Halloween. You should, too!

6. Friday the 13th

I remember growing up and being kicked out of my brothers' room because one of them was watching Freddy vs. Jason. I was too young, and I probably would have been scarred for life. Either way, I'm old enough now, and it's on my list. Add it to your list too! This is a definite watch, especially with a new one coming out next October on none other than Friday the 13th.

7. The Evil Dead

A scary movie set in the woods? That doesn't sound cliché

at all. Sometimes a cliché

movie is needed after a few scary movies, so you can laugh and calm down before the next actual scary movie. Check this one out for that little calm before the storm!

8. Silent Hill

This was a game-turned-movie, but it worked out. Well done on suspense. Be prepared to scream, "Don't go in there!" while the main character enters random rooms.

9. Sinister

If you love a good haunted house, Sinister is for you. The first time I saw this movie, I was in a room full of about 10 girls. The high-pitched screams were endless, and I just laughed. It's a great scary movie, especially for Halloween.

10. Children of the Corn

Cornfields are already creepy. Stephen King does creepy extremely well. Put it together, and you get a creepy movie. This movie actually crept me out when I watched it. Job well done. Now go watch it for Halloween, so you too can enjoy the creep factor of this movie.

11. Silence of the Lambs

How do you catch a killer? With another killer of course. Check out Silence of the Lambs if you're looking for some suspense and death for Halloween.

12. Psycho

If you choose to watch this, choose the original. The color version is good, but it can't replace the original. This movie is great, scary, creepy, and everything in between. It's a must watch for any time of the year! If you like it and need a new TV series, check out Bates Motel!

13. Chucky

You can never go wrong with movies about creepy dolls. This one is sure to scare you if you scare easily or make you laugh if you're on the other end of the spectrum. Either way, it's great for the Halloween season! And who knows, maybe it'll make the clown sightings a little less scary...or more. Enjoy!

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