12 Things You Can Call Me Instead Of Bitch
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12 Things You Can Call Me Instead Of 'Bitch'

To the women who've been called 'b*tch' just because they didn't say 'Yes.'

12 Things You Can Call Me Instead Of 'Bitch'
Original Photo by Karlee Onstad

I've been called a b*tch, a**hole, stupid girl, slut or, my personal favorite, "You f*cking c*nt." Why? Because I've said no. Because I disagreed, because I stood up for others, because I am a female who refuses to be silenced.

This is for all the women in the world who've been called a b*tch because they said something instead of, "Yes." No, I am not a b*tch, I am…

1. Strong

Okay, so you may be able to bench more weight and can literally look down on my 5'3" self, but strength is not limited to physical ability or amount of testosterone. Strength is holding your head high even when others dictate you have no power. (And I will probably still challenge you to an arm wrestle, even if I know you will win, just to prove your biceps don't intimidate me.) I am strong.

2. Outspoken

You may have a deeper and louder voice, interrupt me when I speak or even try to silence me altogether, but I assure you, after all that effort, you will still hear my voice echoing at the end of the day. I am outspoken.

3. Independent

Yes, I know how to make a sandwich, do laundry and sweep the floor — it's called basic survival skills. I also know how to be professional, work three jobs at once in order to pay for college and set myself up for success (while eating my own damn good sandwich). I am independent.

4. Resilient

I have experienced, done and felt things that I would of rather not, but I am still here. And, as strong as ever. I am resilient.

5. Tough

I will cry during "Up" when the wife dies or act a little different during my period. But that is not weakness; those are emotions (and hormones), and those emotions are also what drive me to ignore your petty insults and create my own path in this world. (Besides, if you bled straight for 24 hours a day for 7 days, you'd be a little "moody" too). I am tough.

6. Firm

I know my morals, beliefs, convictions, and values. Test, take or outlaw them as you wish, I will still stand by them. I am firm.

7. Secure

I work my ass off everyday to improve my body. So, yes, that model is extremely beautiful (like, damn girl!), but check out these cellulite marks on my butt while I do my lunges. Aren't they pretty? I am secure.

8. Determined

I will not let your words or actions interfere with my goals. Whether that be simply in an intramural sports game or acquiring my dream job, I shoot for nothing less than what I deserve. I am determined.

9. Intelligent

I may not be knowledgeable in all fields, but you can't downgrade my intelligence with your condescending words. Just because I don't know what "Wronskian" means, doesn't mean I don't know what the word "entitled" means. I am intelligent.

10. Courageous

Courage comes in all forms — asking someone on a first date, moving to a new city all by yourself or even walking home at night as a woman with keys clenched between her fists. I am courageous.

11. Happy

Happiness is determined by me. I do not need someone else to bring me happiness. I can get that from my plants and best friends, thank you very much. I am happy.

12. B*tch?

So, if you define those things as b*tch, then yes, I am one big b*tch.

This could be interpreted as a bash on all men of the world, which would be a total misinterpretation of the objective of this article, so I will lay it out plainly: not all men are terrible males, such as not all women are innocent females— that is the simple truth. The point of this whole thing is to demonstrate that, while we may be moving forward in regards to gender equality, there are still persisting notions of women as subordinates, ranging from many different levels.

And a part of this inferior ideology is categorizing these attributes, such as strength and firmness, as "b*tchy" just when females express them, but as noble when in association with men.

There still remain those people (both men and women) who do not understand the simple concept that my tits grant me the same rights as your dick. So, the next time you see a woman speak her mind and express herself, do not automatically label her a "b*tch." Instead, try to understand why her behaviors and actions characterize her as secure, outspoken, independent, etc.

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