12 Unforgettable Moments from the Epic Battle on Game of Thrones
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12 Unforgettable Moments from the Epic Battle on Game of Thrones

Warning: Spoilers are coming.

12 Unforgettable Moments from the Epic Battle on Game of Thrones
Helen Sloan/HBO

On Sunday night, a battle was won – a battle that has been years in the making. Yes, I’m talking about the battle that took place on Game of Thrones: The Battle of the Bastards. Even though it was Father’s Day, all of us GOT fans were anxiously counting down the hours until the new episode aired, so that we could (hopefully) see Ramsay Bolton finally get what he deserved. This episode had everything, from dragons to giants to hounds, and it was so much more than we could have hoped for. Let's all do ourselves a favor and take some time to relive the major moments from the best episode of Game of Thrones yet:

1. When Daenerys and her dragons saved Meereen.

Sure, some of us were hoping that the episode would immediately start with Jon Snow preparing for battle, but seeing Daenerys in all her glory was great too.

2. When Sansa came face to face with Ramsay.

After everything Ramsay put her through, Sansa was a pillar of strength. Even though Jon told her she didn’t have to be there, there was no way she was going to miss out on the chance to look Ramsay in the eyes and tell him that he would die.

3. When Jon told Melisandre not to bring him back again.

After Jon was brought back to life in the beginning of the season, the thought of him dying again seemed impossible. This scene made it clear that Jon's death wasn't out of the question, and we realized that this battle was not going to be won easily.

4. When Jon came so close to saving poor Rickon.

Sansa warned Jon that Ramsay was going to kill Rickon, but even though we tried to prepare ourselves for that reality, the way it happened was still so painful to watch. Jon was fast, but Ramsay's bow was faster.

5. When Jon was about to take on an army by himself.

When Jon charged at Ramsay’s army all on his own, we were a little bit concerned. Sure, Jon Snow is tough, but he was slightly outnumbered. Fortunately, his army came just in time to help him.

6. When Ramsay’s army got in formation.

This scene was tough to watch, especially if you suffer from claustrophobia. Jon and his men were completely surrounded and were getting crushed by Ramsay's army. Between Tormund getting beaten up and Jon being trampled, it was more than we could handle.

7. When Littlefinger saved the day.

Leave it up to Petyr “Littlefinger” Baelish to come to Sansa’s aid. His huge army completely obliterated Ramsay’s, leaving Jon, Tormund, and Wun Wun the giant to go hunt Ramsay down.

8. When the Starks took back Winterfell, thanks to Wun Wun.

We were so anxious to see the Starks reclaim Winterfell, so it was fortunate that they had a giant who could break down the doors in a timely fashion. Sadly, Ramsay couldn't resist killing him.

9. When Jon Snow used Ramsay Bolton as a human punching bag.

It. Finally. Happened. Ramsay tried his best to shoot Jon with his bow and arrow, but we all knew that Ramsay was no match for him. Jon’s rage completely took over, and he transformed into Rocky Balboa, beating Ramsay to a bloody pulp.

10. When Ramsay still wasn’t dead.

Sure, it was great to see Jon totally crush Ramsay, but it seemed a little anticlimactic. We were hoping for a much more satisfying end to Ramsay’s life.

11. When Ramsay died in the most ironic way possible.

Of course Sansa knew the perfect way to kill Ramsay. His hounds were his pride and joy, and over the past couple of seasons, we saw how much he enjoyed having them rip people apart. After he mentioned that he hadn’t fed them for a week, Sansa knew that their hunger would outweigh their loyalty to him. And with that, Ramsay finally got a taste of his own medicine.

12. When Sansa walked away like a boss.

She was definitely channeling her inner Beyoncé.

Farewell, Ramsay Bolton. May you always be remembered as the villain we all loved to hate.

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