11 Tips For Vans Warped Tour
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11 Tips For Vans Warped Tour

11 Tips For Vans Warped Tour

This Friday, the Vans Warped Tour will kick off once more. The Vans Warped Tour began during the summer of 1995 by Kevin Lyman, and the skateboarding manufacturer, Vans, was the head sponsor. Warped Tour was conceived in 1995 as an eclectic alternative rock festival, but in 1996 began focusing on punk rock music. Although it has continued to be known primarily as a punk rock festival, it has included acts of diverse genres over the years, including hip-hop artists starting in 1999. Since then, it has seen a tremendous growth in genres, but also audiences. With every Warped Tour I have attended or volunteered, I have seen the audience grow in such a large volume that I am absolutely blown away. Due to me being so familiar with Vans Warped Tour, I have decided to make a list of the top 11 tips for Vans Warped Tour.

1. Bring canned food / old cellphones.
If you bring three cans of canned food (unopened and in good condition), or if you bring in an old cellphone, you will be able to join the shorter line. By doing this, you will get into the venue faster, and you will be able to line up for the first band before anyone else!

2. Buy a program.
OK, I wouldn't want to have to spend $5 on a piece of paper either, but I can tell you from experience, these expensive pieces of paper can save your life. They tell you the line-up, from who is playing to when and where. There is also a map on the back so that right there is worth it, because you can get lost.

3. Wear weather-permitted clothing.
It will be hot. It will most likely be about 105 degrees or higher. You will be packed in with hundreds of people. If you wear all black or pants, be prepared to over heat and pass out. Please, just wear some shorts and a tee and you will be ready to take on the heat.

4. Bring sunscreen and apply regularly.
Unless you are like me, and are allergic to sunscreen, then I would advise you to bring some. Do not just put it on once during the day, put it on about 100 times. If you do this, you will walk away sun-burn free and trust me, that is a great thing.

5. Go to different vendors.
My first year attending Warped Tour, I visited all the vendors' tents that I could and ended up going home with a bag full of free merchandise. FREE. There were stickers, bracelets, shirts, and I even got a bag. Once again, all for free. It is also really cool to informative to go and talk to the charity vendors. You may find a charity that speaks to you and who knows, one day you could be working at that tent.

6. Take pictures.
While I say take pictures, I don't mean stand there the entire set on your phone taking photos, I mean take some here and there and enjoy the show. Who knows, this could be the last time a certain band ever plays live again. It is always great to have memories of that.

7. Bring a backpack or a drawstring bag.
Most will tell you to bring a drawstring bag, because you will be able to feel if someone is reaching in your bag. I always prefer to use my Vans backpack just because it can hold a lot more. I buy tons of things so I always need something that is a tad larger.

8. Wear tennis shoes.
Sure, your cute strappy sandals go with your outfit and your Chacos are comfortable, but your toes will be smashed. Wear some comfortable tennis shoes and not only will you save your toes, but your feet will thank you later. Go invest in a pair of Vans and you will fit right in.

9. Bring money.
You are going to want to buy things from your favorite bands, and even if you don't you are going to want to buy water if you don't bring it. Money is a MUST at Warped Tour.

10. Go listen to bands you have never heard of before.
For instance, three years ago I was just waiting for The Maine, when all of a sudden the band beside me was playing and I thought they were absolutely incredible. Fast forward to 2016 and State Champs are now some of my favorite guys. They are the sweetest humans you have ever met and I am proud to know them.

11. Enjoy.
No matter the weather, rain or shine. No matter the attitudes before the show. Just enjoy yourself. Vans Warped Tour is something that only happens during the summer. Sometimes, you may never get to see these bands again or you may find bands that become your new favorites. Sometimes, you might start talking to strangers that slowly become some of your best friends.

I hope to see some of you this summer. If you will be at Vans Warped Tour, let me know and maybe we can meet up! So go out there and have the time of your life.

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