Finals week -- it should actually be called Hell week. Because. It. Is. Hell. It is the time of the semester that we all dread (and at the same time wait for because we want it to end already). Nonetheless, it is the most stressfull time of the entire semester, and it will make you want to pull your own hair out. Here are 11 things you notice during this special week.
1. Parking is even more limited than usual.
It's 7 a.m. and you realize there's no parking. Yup, it's finals week at FIU.
2. People actually show up to class.
You'll spend your time in class wondering, "Who the hell is that?"
3. Coffee lines grow beyond proportion.
Want Starbucks? Einstein's? Dunkin'? Bustelo? #GoodLuck
4. Group chat overload.
"Did you study?!" "Send me your notes please." "Omg **** this!"
5.You'll be more sleep deprived than usual.
Bags under my eyes are usually my signature trademark, but when it's finals week, it starts to look more like a black eye.
6. You realize that it's time to actually look at your notes.
Of course, this is when you realize that you probably didn't take notes, or you can't understand them.
7. And you open your textbook for the first time.
So this is what I paid 80 dollars for.
8. You panic when you remember that the final is cumulative.
You suddenly realize that you've forgotten everything since the midterms.
9. You'll cry at least once.
You might even cry when you open the exam and realize that you might be pretty screwed this semester.