The first official day of summer is June 20. Today is not that day, though it rapidly approches. Regardless, I find it important to carry summer's essence in our hearts every single day of the year. This is clearly not meant to be an exhaustive list of summer jams, but rather a jumping off point to get the best season of the year started off right. So, here are a few songs to help you catch that serene summer spirit.
1. "Take Me Home, Country Roads" by John Denver
Listening to this song is like eating a Popsicle on a pillow in a cloud while someone is putting flowers in your hair. I don't mind if you stop reading right here, as long as you understand the presence of "Take Me Home, Country Roads" is a critical factor in your level of summertime enjoyment. Plus, John Denver is a baller.
2. "Got to My Head" by WATERS
If you're a fan of Grouplove, but feel like changing things up a slight bit, give WATERS a try. This song provides a perfect soundtrack for beating the crap out of your friends with foam pool noodles.
3. "My Girl" by The Mamas and the Papas
The original version of this song by the Temptations is great, but I feel this cover is more conducive to riding a bicycle around a lake in a sundress while eating Little Debbie snack cakes.
4. "Clouds" by BØRNS
As the title suggests, this song is about clouds. Go get a blanket, put it on the grass, lay on it, slide your shades on your face, watch the clouds rolling by, and maybe even get a sunburn.
5. "Summer Shakedown" by Slow Club
While this song would aptly accompany any and all summer activities, I find it most prime for dancing in a field of sunflowers while dressed to the nines for Coachella. To obtain maximum enjoyment, bring a tambourine; preferably a green one.
6. "Pacific Sun" by Ian Axel
Axel makes up 50 percent of the band A Great Big World, who you may remember urged us to "Say Something" a while back. If you're fortunate enough to be near the ocean this summer, specifically the Pacific one, this song goes well with lemonade on the beach.
7. "Hostage" by Sia
Grab your longboards, rollerblades and some pals. This tune provides the perfect setup for sidewalk surfing and concrete cruising. (Also great for leaping off the high dive).
8. "Skinny Dippin' Girl" by Joe Purdy
Skinny dippin' is a fundamental summer activity, and the dulcet tones of Joe Purdy will make it that much better. Find your nearest river, take off all your clothes, and jump right in.
9. "Ain't No Man" by The Avett Brothers
Inject your summer with a bit of soul by giving this one a listen. If you're having a hard time getting a strong sense of the freedom summer offers, it's an effective remedy.
10. "Giving Me Away" by Betty Who
This song will help you accomplish two major activities: (1) Driving down an empty road with the windows rolled down on a warm summer night, and (2) having a dance party under the stars.
11. "The Next Life" by Greg Holden
For when you're in a kayak on the lake with bae. It also makes a great campfire sing-along with friends.
Now go and be free. Put your pants, coats and boots in the closet. Go pick some flowers and climb a mountain. Feel the sun through your hair and the happiness within your soul. Long live summertime.