How to fix your bad beauty and health habits
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11 Health And Beauty Mistakes Your Body Hates You For

It is 2018, why are we still making these mistakes?


Ladies, we've all made these mistakes before. You either have learned from it or you're still doing it and not proud of it. Cut the bad habits and your beauty routine will be so much cleaner. Here's what you're doing and what you should be doing differently...

1. You don't clean your makeup brushes.

You have been hearing this one for years and you're probably still slacking on it. You should at least wash your brushes and sponges once a week with hot water and a special cleaner (like Ulta's Brush and Sponge Cleanser) and leave them to air dry laying flat. If you wear more makeup than average, every two-three days. Don't let bacteria just chill on your face.

2. You've been using the same tampons and pads since... the first time.

Target has a brand of organic tampons and pads called This is L. The tampons come in a pack of 30 and the pads come with 42 for $6.99 which is way better for you than the leading brand at the same price. These tampons and pads have no harsh chemicals like chlorine, rayon, no added dyes or fragrances, etc. Also, they support female entrepreneurs and help out females who cannot afford personal care products. Think about this the next time you walk around Target.

3. You don't set your creams with powders...

When doing your makeup you should always set your creams with powders. What I mean by that is after you do your foundation, you need to set with a normal powder or bake with translucent powder. If you do this, your makeup will last longer and not appear to be oily. One that I have been using for years is Ulta's Finishing Powder.

4. You don't pitch old your old toothbrush.

If you brush your teeth twice a day, which I hope you do, you should throw out and replace your toothbrush every three to four months. I know we forget and our only reminder is every six months when we go to the dentist and they give us the free toothbrush, toothpaste, floss but we need to be more diligent about this one. Our mouths hold so much bacteria from food, sugars, etc. We need to take care of our mouths because it sets the tone for the rest of your body.

5. You use expired makeup.

This is one I'm sure we all roll our eyes at but it's so important. Eyeliner goes bad every six months to a year, mascara is every three to six months, powders are every one to two years, foundation is every six months to two years and lipstick is every two years. Makeup is not meant to last for hundreds of years so just make sure you're looking closely on how long you've had that product. A nice tip is to write the date in marker on the back of your product so you know when you got it. Especially your eye products because having irritated eyes is not fun.

6. You keep and reuse old wipes.

I am guilty of this... I know how tempting it is when you're only wearing eyebrows or mascara that day to just save that makeup wipe because it's still good... well it's not. Keeping a used makeup wipe in with your clean ones just spreads so much bacteria that will be touching your face and eyes at a later date. Just use them once and pitch it.

7. You don't clean your pillowcase regularly.

Make it a habit to throw in your pillowcases with your laundry once a week! Our pillowcases collect dust from laying around and then grease from our hair and face while sleeping. This is an easy way to prevent acne.

8. You wear lace panties everyday...

It's nice to have cute panties that are lace and silk but, you shouldn't wear them everyday. You should alternate out with cotton panties to let yourself breathe and prevent infections.

9. You skip the sunscreen.

Please please please wear sunscreen everyday! Choose foundation or moisturizer with sunscreen already in it for everyday use and always put it everywhere when spending long amounts of time outside. This will prevent you from sun spots and harsh wrinkles when you get older.

10. You still don't use heat protection.

The fastest way to kill your hair is to not protect it. After you get out of the shower, use something like Drybar's Hot Toddy before blow drying. Before curling and straightening use Tresemme's Thermal Creations Heat Tamer Spray.

11. You don't moisturize enough.

Always moisturize before you prime and lotion your body. You especially want to moisturize your hands and neck as they are the fastest part of a woman's body to wrinkle. Keep your skin hydrated!

Turn your bad habits into good daily habits with these tips and let's be the best version of ourselves, ladies. Remember, a healthy lifestyle means a healthy body.

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