100 Questions To Ask Anyone You Want To Know Better | The Odyssey Online
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100 Questions To Ask Anyone You Want To Know Better

Here are 100 questions to ask anyone in your life that you would like to get to know better.

100 Questions To Ask Anyone You Want To Know Better

The typical question, "What's up?" is overused and just so boring to answer. I have compiled a list of 100 different questions that you can ask someone to get to know more about them. If you're in a relationship that's just starting out, go through and answer them together. If you've been in a relationship for a long time, then go through and see if you know all your partner's answers. Even if you aren't in a relationship at all, test your bestfriends, see how much your parents pay attention to you and if they know your answers. Get critical. Get emotional. Even debate your answers. This should be a great way to get to know the people in your life without having to tell them what's up.

1. Where do you consider "home" to be?

2. Do you believe in ghosts?

3. Are you religious?

4. If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?

5. If you could have dinner with any of the presidents, who would you choose? Why?

6. What is your dream job?

7. Who is your role model? Why?

9. Do you prefer Coke or Pepsi?

10. Do you prefer Cheetos or Doritos?

11. Do you eat breakfast in the morning?

12. When you go to the beach, do you sunbathe or swim more?

13. Have you ever ridden a city bus before?

14. Have you ever traveled outside of the country? If so, where?

15. If you got arrested, what do you think it would be for?

16. What if your favorite childhood memory?

17. What was your favorite song two years ago? What is it now?

18. What teacher have you had that's made the biggest impact on your life? How?

19. Are you a cat person or a dog person?

20. What is a quote from any movie that you know off the top of your head?

21. What are you most afraid of?

22. If superheroes were real, who would you want to protect your city?

23. What is the silliest reason you've ever cried?

24. If you could be a character on any show, what show would you choose? Why?

25. You're stuck on an island with no way off and no one knows you're there, what three items do you have with you?

26. What is the name of one song you know all the words to?

27. Are you a sore loser?

28. Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?

29. Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of bees?

30. What is your biggest pet peeve?

31. Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?

32. Would you ever strip or pose nude for a photo in a magazine? For a movie?

33. What has been your best Halloween costume this far?

34. Are you stubborn?

35. Do you sing in the shower? In the car?

36. Do you take vitamins daily?

37. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?

38. Can you swim without plugging your nose?

39. Have you ever won a contest?

40. Do you want kids? How many?

41. Are you missing anyone right now?

42. Do you smile at strangers as you walk by them?

43. Do you think your life will change drastically before 2020?

44. How do you react when people talk badly about you?

45. Where did you get the shirt you are currently wearing?

46. What has been your favorite gift you've been given?

47. If you had to delete one year out of your life completely, which would you choose?

48. What is your favorite thing about school?

49. Is there something that happened in your past that you hate talking about?

50. Who was the last person you were on the phone with?

51. Do you get jealous easily?

52. Is there anyone you've ever given up on? Do you regret it?

53. What is something on your to-do list currently?

54. Are you over your past?

55. Are you afraid of dying?

56. Are you afraid of change?

57. Does commitment scare you?

58. Were you picked on as a kid?

59. What is one meal you know how to cook?

60. How many pillows do you sleep with on your bed?

61. What is one thing you love about yourself?

62. What is your biggest insecurity?

63. What is the title of your favorite book?

64. When was the last time you felt lost?

65. Do you cry when you are angry?

66. Are you excited about anything right now?

67. Nike or Adidas?

68. What is your comfort food?

69. Do you laugh at the number of this question?

70. Where do go when you want to be alone?

71. Who do you call when you need a little pick-me-up?

72. Do you cry during sad movies?

73. What is your guilty pleasure?

74. You're camped out in front of the TV, what are you watching?

75. Do you have a nickname?

76. What would you eat everyday if you could?

77. Do you collect anything?

78. If you could kiss someone right now, who would it be?

79. Are you a spender or a saver?

80. Are you named after anyone?

81. If you could choose any person in the world to be president, who would you choose? Why?

82. Do you daydream often?

83. Do you know how to change a tire?

84. Do you have a hidden talent?

85. Do you consider yourself artistic?

86. What is something you cant live without?

87. Can you name all 50 states?

88. Do you eat soup with a fork or a spoon?

89. Do you remember your dreams?

90. Are you superstitious?

91. What is one thing you would most like to change about the world?

92. What piece of advice would you give 10 year old you?

93. Have you ever broken the law?

94. If you won the lottery, what would you spend the money on?

95. What was your favorite book as a child? Why?

96. Do you snort when you laugh?

97. Are you a good dancer?

98. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

99. Do you believe in the death penalty?

100. Are you happy, genuinely, consistently happy?

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