10 Tips For Back To School
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10 Tips For Back To School

You're gonna go far, kid.

10 Tips For Back To School

It's that time again! It's the start of a new semester, this may be your first or your last, but it's time again for you to take on college and do the best you can. You'll be one step closer to reaching your goals and dreams. I know it is so easy to become overwhelmed with everything that happens at the beginning of the semester, so I've complied a checklist of things to make taking on the new year a little less painful.

1. Print your syllabus for every class.

This seems like a pretty common sense tip, but a lot of people tend to just look it over and then blow it off for the rest of the semester. Read that sucker backwards and forwards and have it on file for if you ever find yourself confused on assignment due dates, attendance policies, grading policies, or any information it may hold. Those things are magical answers to most of your questions you may end up bugging your professor about, do not take their sacred words lightly.

2. Write a list of due dates for every class you're taking (and actually check it regularly).

This is another one of those things that seems like a moot point to make, but it could help someone out there if they don't already know. I like to keep a day planner with all of my assignments for the entire semester written in it from day one. I prefer to color code all of my assignments so I know which class I need to focus on on which days of the week (I have to work a little bit deeper with the organization side due to my enrollment in all online classes). It is so easy to forget an assignment and when you only have five grades in a class, it'll really bite you when you miss one.

3. Limit your partying.

I know, I know, not everyone is going to go out and party all the time. But hey, it's fun and it's a lot easier to go out and have $5 pitchers of beer rather than study for your quiz in the morning. At the same time, sleep is your best friend when you're on a really tight schedule for school. My freshman year I worked really hard to limit my going out to only weekends that way I could focus more on my classes during the week (not saying I didn't spend a Wednesday or two drunkenly breaking into the football stadium after a long day, but that's another story for another day). While I missed out on some fun nights, my GPA was thanking me at the end of my semester.

4. Dedicate time to studying and bigger projects.

I remember in high school I could take a test without studying and make a solid B no matter what, I also remember many sleepless nights doing a project the day before it was due (also making a B on those as well). It was so easy to do the bare minimum and still make good grades. Then came college and my first semester hit me like a bus, full speed. I always worked a lot and figured it would be just as easy as high school, HA. After my first D on an exam, I realized I was going to have to find the time in my busy schedule to study. It's hard but there are ways to work around it. Have an hour break between two classes? Hit up that computer lab and go over your powerpoints and upcoming assignments, it doesn't have to be an 8-hour dedication, just a couple extra hours a week will do wonders for you in all your classes.

5. Pace yourself.

I know that it's super easy whenever you have all your assignments for the entire semester set in front of you to get overwhelmed. Just because you can see all of them, does not mean you have to worry yourself over the research paper due in two and a half months. Yes, make yourself aware of it, but don't give yourself a panic attack over it, you have the time, you will do just fine. And God forbid you get a class that leaves all the assignments open until the last day of the semester, as much as a blessing as that may seem to be, it is a trick. I had one class where there were no set due dates, but everything had to be done by the last day of the semester, easy right? WRONG. Silly old me kept putting everything off over and over again then the end of the semester came and I'm pretty sure I went two full days without sleep in a desperate attempt to do 9 tests and get the best grade I could. Long story short, give yourself enough time to where you don't have to rush through things.

6. Get to know your professors.

I always thought when people told me to get to know my professors it was kind of silly, but I did it anyways. I kept hearing all these wonderful stories of professors who saved their students from failing and blah blah blah, but it never really happened to me. Then Spring of 2015 happened and I was taking statistics. I had heard from everyone that this was the class to fear when it came to college, so of course I was panicked. First test? 100%, WHAT?! I figured, this class is easy, no way everyone was serious. Second test? 62%... um.... Maybe they weren't lying. Don't ask me why but I couldn't understand anything going on in that class no matter what I did and I tried everything. I started going to tutoring three times a week and steadily emailing my professor if I was struggling more than usual. We soon became friends after weeks of tutoring and cracking jokes between mental breakdowns over class material. I still struggled even with all of my extra work I was putting in, talk about frustrated. But I kept trying and did the best I could, Finals came and I really didn't feel like I was going to pass the class, but as I checked my grade once the exams were put in I had a B... Of course I emailed my professor asking if there was a typo and that 80% was actually 08% and wondering what crazy evil joke he was playing on me. The response was "You did all you could, you kept trying and never gave up." THERE WERE REAL TEARS, GUYS. So needless to say, it is very important to get to know your professors and let them in if you need help, it could save your GPA and it can also build some really awesome friendships.

7. Go to the library and get in a study pattern prior to finals week.

I can't express how hard it is to try and create a routine in a week. Finals week is stressful enough, trying to find the extra time will only create more havoc in your mind. Allow yourself designated study time each week that way you have a pretty solid idea of what you'll be able to do for finals. A plan will help immensely.

8. Work ahead if you can.

Because I am taking online classes, often times my professors will have all of our assignments open from day 1 of the semester, if you're lucky enough to have a professor that allows early work to be done, do it. Working ahead in one class will help you to have extra time for any other classes you're taking!

9. Don't be too hard on yourself.

You might fail a quiz, you might forget to turn in an assignment, you might even fail an entire class. It will be okay. Not everyone will get it right the first time, you will have plenty of time to redeem yourself, don't stress over the struggles, they will come to an end eventually. You are human, you make mistakes, but you will graduate, you will succeed, you will survive. It's a difficult time in your life, don't let a few bumps in the road ruin the journey.

10. Always allow yourself some me time.

I cannot stress this one enough. If you're like me you work and go to school and with everything you've got on your plate, it's easy to forget about your own well being. Take time to treat yourself; take a couple days off work, celebrate that A on your exam, get your nails done, sit in bed all day and watch netflix, whatever your vice may be, take some time to do things you enjoy. Spend time with the people you love. Do not lose yourself in the chaos of your life. I'm serious, treat yo self.

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