10 Things I've Learned In College | The Odyssey Online
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10 Things I've Learned In College

When you live by yourself, you learn some lessons really quick!

10 Things I've Learned In College

As my second week of college classes come to an end, I have come to learn many things. From dorm living to fast paced teachers, I have been through a lot since I moved in. Not only am I trying to learn how to live independently, but also I am trying to be an adult. My mom isn’t here to clean up after me. Even though she would love an excuse for a visit. Transitioning into college is a big game of trial and error. You have to make mistakes before you can learn anything. So, here are ten things I’ve learned in my first two weeks of my college experience.

1. Pack An Umbrella, No Matter The Forecast

This is a recent lesson I’ve learned on campus. Walking to your dorm in the rain is not fun! Especially, when you have to run because you don’t want your stuff getting soaked! Then it becomes this whole ordeal to dry off and not get everything in your room wet. Moral of this, I now try to remember to pack an umbrella with me. I know it seems redundant when the sun is shining, but you never know when the sky is going to open up and downpour on you. It never hurts to over prepare.

2. The Snooze Button Is The Enemy

I know everyone is always tempted by the thought of those glorious extra ten minutes of sleep. You just want to stay all wrapped up in your blankets and forget about all of your responsibilities. WAKE UP ALERT! You are most likely going to get up later than you wanted, and you are going to have to rush to get ready and get to class. Running across campus is not how I want to spend my time. I’ve found if I get up an hour before I need to be anywhere, I have plenty of time to slowly move through my morning. The snooze button may be some people’s lifelines, but college is making it the bane of my existence.

3. Coffee Is A Great Thing

As someone who never use to drink coffee, this came as a shocker. When you are trying to read assigned materials after a long day of classes, caffeine is a must. No one wants to be the person who passes out face first into a textbook. So, coffee is a must! It’s a quick jolt of energy. If you plan it right, you can make sure your crash comes when it’s time for bed. But be warned, too much will make you hysterical and jittery. Shout out to coffee for allowing me to feel alive.

4. Roommates Can Be Lifesavers

I know I’ve already written about this, so I’ll keep it brief. You never know when you are going to need a helping hand. Luckily in college, you can play your cards right and find that in a roommate. I know I always have someone to lean on.

5. Comfort Over Fashion

This should have been an no brainer. Yes we all want to look cute, but if you got to school in a hilly area comfy shoes are a must. I also found out, college shirts allow you to show school spirit and stay comfortable all day. In college if you roll up in sweatpants, no one is even going to bat an eye. So, take advantage of it while you can!

6. Find A Quiet Spot

Sometimes, you just need to be alone. Dorms can be too loud, and people can sometimes get on your nerves. So, finding your spot is critical. It could be in the library, outside, or even an empty classroom. You need somewhere to go when you need your space. You can go and do homework, write, or even just people watch. College can be stressful, and you don’t always know how to deal with it. When I feel that way, I escape to the college gardens and just chill.

7. Communal Bathrooms…

Now this is a tricky subject. Yes, it does suck to have to share a bathroom with thirty other girls. Especially, when some don’t clean up after themselves, or they forget to take their things with them. Yet, I don’t have to deep clean the bathroom. Now don’t get me wrong, I clean up after myself. But, I don’t have to clean up everyone else’s mess. It’s one less thing I have to worry about during my day. I don’t have to worry about keeping certain toiletries on hand as a just in case. Plus, I live on a floor with a bunch of girls who clean up after themselves. Now I would love my own bathroom, but for right now I’ll survive having to share.

8. 8 AMs Are Rough

Even if you are a morning person, morning classes are tough. Not only are you tired, but everyone around you is tired. Sometimes, even the teacher is visibly exhausted. Yet, you have to sit there and listen and pay attention. That’s easier said than done. Coffee doesn’t even help me on these days. Half the time, I don’t even comprehend what is being taught to me. 8 AMs are not my friends. I will always despise those early mornings.

9. Meeting New People Is Key

I know this sounds cliche, but it’s true. Meeting new people is what college is about. You get involved, and you recognize faces on campus. You have no idea how many people I have met that will say hi to me every time our paths cross. It’s an awesome feeling. I feel welcomed on campus, and that I’ve found a place for me. Even if you don’t like to be social, introducing yourself to others is one of the best parts of college.

10. College Is Not High School

Now this to some might seem obvious. But, I had no idea what to expect in transitioning into college. All the pressures you feel in high school, are nowhere to be found in college. Everyone is free to be themselves. That’s the neat thing about college. It’s a place where tons of unique individuals become a community. Now there can still be some people who seem to be stuck in high school, but for the most part everyone is here to accomplish the same goal. Earn a degree and be themselves.
Now, I still have a lot to learn about college. I mean I’m not even close to the end of the first semester. Yet, you have to learn so much super quickly. College can seem super intimidating, but it is supposed to be the best years of your life. So, why not take advantage and learn along the way!

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