Let's be honest here, I can't be the only person who thinks the top music charts stink, right? The top charts are filled with annoying, auto-tuned, overplayed songs. I took it upon myself to make a good playlist to shower, drive, clean, and swim to. Here are some of the songs I have been digging on my summer 2016 playlist.
1. "We Wasted the Good Surprise on You" - Bad Case of Big Mouth.
Seriously obsessed with this song, "We Wasted the Good Surprise on You" is probably my favorite song off their new EP Break It To Build It out August 19, 2016! It may actually be my favorite Bad Case of Big Mouth song they have out. If you're from New Jersey or you feel like making a drive, come out to their EP release show August 6th at GameChanger World in Howell Nj! I'll be going to that show, it should be a good one!
2. "Burning At Both Ends" - Sleep On It.
Favorite, favorite, favorite. "Burning At Both Ends" is the most played song on my playlist. I saw Sleep On It back in June, and I had absolutely no clue who they were but, as soon as they performed this song, I was instantly hooked. I've been... dare I say it? Sleeping on them. Ha get it? The crowd was totally loving them, they even did a wall of death? And Zech fell off stage during the set haha.
3. "This Water Seems Shallow" - RVLS
Yes RVLS. Yes KALIE. RVLS is an insanely talented band and Kalie's vocals are well, I have zero words for them. They'll be going on a full US tour August-October, definitely try to go out to a show to see them! My friend and I are driving from New Jersey to Connecticut on September 13th to see them, we would go to their New Jersey show but, we have class. Obviously we can't miss RVLS on their tour so we'll just travel an hour and a half to see them. Highly, highly suggest adding their songs on your playlist. You can't not just have them on your playlist after listening to "This Water Seems Shallow."
4. "Umbrellas High" - Crunkasaurus Rex.
I survived the Crunkasaurus Rex hiatus 2016-2016. I'm in love with not just their new song "Umbrellas High" but, their new music video to go along with it. If you don't have at least one Crunkasaurus Rex song in your playlist, what are you doing with your life? Add it!! You can catch them on tour in August with Bad Case of Big Mouth!
5. "Stationary" - The Ones You Forgot.
The Ones You Forgot are a super talented female fronted band from New Jersey who deserve so much credit. "Stationary" is definitely my favorite song of theirs, it was the first song I heard by them. Hopefully I'll be able to see them sometime soon.
6. "Anchored Down" - Another One Down!
I had found Another One Down! through someone else's playlist on Spotify and I was hooked on the song "Anchored Down" and quickly added it to my own playlist.
7. "Threshold" - Trophy Wives.
I found out about Trophy Wives because they were supposed to be on a tour I went to back in June but, for some reason they dropped the tour. I decided to look them up anyways and "Threshold" was the first song to come up and at first, I didn't love it but, after a few listens, it really grew on me. Totally bummed that I didn't get to see them in June but, hopefully they make their way over to me soon.
8. "Burn The World" - Felicity.
"Burn The World" is another fantastic song I found through someone else's playlist, I have a list of bands that I need to look into and Felicity is on top of that list, I'll be looking up more of their songs to check out, and i'll be looking to see if they have any future shows coming near me.
9. "Hollows" - Ship Captain Crew.
Ugh, in love with the vocals on this track. My friends have been pushing me to listen to Ship Captain Crew and I'm not going to lie, I'm very lazy when it comes to looking up new bands. It may have taken me a few months but, once I finally looked Ship Captain Crew up, their song "Hollows" stood out to me because of the amazing vocals. Highly, highly recommend this track on your playlist!
10. "Nightmare On Southfield" - Action/Adventure.
Once again, another great song that I found through someone else and just had to have on my playlist. "Nightmare On Southfield" is slowly creeping to the top of my most played song.
I hope at least one of these ten songs made it onto your playlists, if all ten did, well then my work here is done.