Being a grown up is hard. You may deny that you are anywhere near being an adult, but take one more look. Here are some sure fire signs that you may be closer to adulthood than you originally thought.
1. Coffee is your best friend in the entire world.
Thank the Lord!
2. You have almost as many business casual clothes as you do regular clothes.
Now finding an outfit is twice as hard.
3. You actually have more than $2 saved in your bank account.
4. Interviews no longer scare you.
You're a pro.
5. You can no longer pull all-nighters.
6. You actually have a schedule.
So much to do, so little time.
7. You work out on a regular basis.
Gotta keep that bod in shape.
8. You actually enjoy talking to your parents.
You are realizing you're more alike than you thought.
9. You care less what people think about you.
You know who you are and that's all that matters.