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10 Scorching Hot Summer Hacks

Ingenious tips and tricks to make your life and summer more enjoyable!

10 Scorching Hot Summer Hacks

As the temperature keeps rising, you find yourself needing more ways to cool down. Don't worry, the cool mom friend has your back covered...with sunscreen and 10 ingenious summer hacks that you won't believe you didn't do before:

1. S'more station

Don't get me wrong, I love campfires, but sometimes they aren't needed when you just want some s'mores for you and your gang. Here is the perfect tabletop fire pot for s'mores.

2. White converse sneaker cleaner

Aren't they just beautiful? It feels like they stay like that for a hot five seconds. Make those pearly white shoes shine longer with a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. I kid you not, they are as magical as a unicorn and put things back in tip-top shape.

3. Frozen water balloons

Let's say you're going to the beach or even a tailgate and are providing the drinks. You're filling up the cooler and are about to pour buckets and buckets of ice into it. STOP. Why not freeze water balloons and drop them in the cooler as your ice? You have chilled drinks and when they melt, you can have a water balloon fight to cool off even more! Talk about multi-purpose.

4. DIY alcoholic popsicles

Florida Georgia Line's latest hit "Simple" perfectly describes this hack. Go about making your favorite mixed drink like you normally would, but pour the concoction into popsicle trays instead. Of course, you would then pop 'em into the freezer. Take note that alcohol takes much longer to freeze than water so make these at night for the next day. Pop them out and enjoy!

5. Frozen fruit cubes

Don't you hate watered down drinks, especially on hot summer days? An easy solution to this problem is to drop frozen fruit into your water or even alcoholic beverages. You get an ice cold drink with a refreshing fruity taste.

6. St. Tropez tanner

Are you whiter than a polar bear? Yeah, me too. Being a pale redhead does have some challenges. If you're anything like me, you desperately want a healthy glow but don't want to look like you were dipped in Cheetos from the nasty self-tanners. You also can't handle being fried in the tanning beds. The safest solution is to snag yourself some St. Tropez bronzing mousse. You instantly get some color that doesn't fall on the spectrum of orange, and it looks very natural. 10/10 would recommend. You can pick up this hidden wonder at your nearest Ulta or online!

7. Dryer sheets for bug repellent

No one likes bugs flying in their face, especially bees. Don't have bug spray on you? A dryer sheet will work just fine. You can do a quick load of laundry and throw in the dryer sheet or just take a dryer sheet and wear it as an accessory!

8. Retail Me Not

This hack is not just for summer but can be of great use in the summer! Thinking of buying a new swimsuit? Check Retail Me Not before completing your purchase! You could be saving big money on name brands like Gymshark, Victoria Secret, H&M, Forever 21, and more! Your wallet thanks you!

9. Coffee ice cubes

With the heat rising, we still need our coffee in the morning. Some may opt for the iced coffee, but nothing is worse than coffee that's watered down. Instead, pour coffee into ice cube trays and pour them into your cold brew. Sip on my friends, sip on.

10. Baby powder

Coming home from the beach normally involves sand stuck to you in a variety of places. Just when you think you have brushed it all off, you find it stashed somewhere in your nooks and crannies. Luckily, there is a way to part with the sand when you leave the beach and that is with baby powder! Don't forget it on your next trip to the beach.

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