The 10 Most Memorable Movie Quotes Of 2015 | The Odyssey Online
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The 10 Most Memorable Movie Quotes Of 2015

"2015 is arguably one of the best years in film . . ."

The 10 Most Memorable Movie Quotes Of 2015
Catraca Livre

2015 was a great year for the film industry, not as great as say. . . 1989 (Dead Poet’s Society, Field of Dreams, Back to the Future II, The Little Mermaid) but I digress. Full of political controversies, memorable debuts, the critically acclaimed, and of course roll-on-the-floor humor, 2015 arguably reaches one of the industry’s best years in film.

10. Pitch-Perfect 2

Ah, the age old question. If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it still make a sound? Well Anna Kendrick, the jury is still out on this one. But let’s face it, class has a habit of sucking with or without your presence. I’ll admit, this quote is actually from Pitch Perfect 1, but acapella group meets college, meets inevitably winning a competition . . . what’s the difference?

9. Mocking Jay Part 2

OKAY, for all of you non-book readers out there, I know you dropped your $6.00 slurpee on the floor in the theatre when you saw Katniss holding a baby! Mocking Jay Part 2 definitely lived up to the imagination of the viewer, and this scene and quote captures one of the best moments. Go ahead Katniss, stick it to the man.

8. Bridge of Spies

“Well, the boss isn't always right. But, he's always the boss”

Ain’t that the truth? I subdued an incessant memory of my mother, one arm on her hip with the other raised, wagging a finger, as I read this quote.

7. Fast and Furious 7

“I used to say I live my life a quarter mile at a time and I think that's why we were brothers - because you did too. No matter where you are, whether it's a quarter mile away or half way across the world, you'll always be with me. And you'll always be my brother.” (Cue tears).

6. Jurassic World

"The greatest thing we must learn in life is that nothing is impossible."

It is safe to say critics were worried about the chronicle of a classic, and I do mean, a classic Steven Spielberg movie. But full of life lessons and an iconic dinosaur fight scene to bring us home, Jurassic World puts 2015 films in the race for best film year yet.

5. Mad Max

"Where must we go, we who wander this wasteland, in search of our better selves?"

Dare I even address the allusion to T.S. Eliot? There was brilliant screen play and directing in Mad Max. Of course I didn’t watch it, but hey, I don’t watch a lot of things. Shout out to all the Mad Maxers.

4. Inside out

"Take her to the moon for me."

If you did not get teary eyed during Inside Out, then you probably have no soul, or a heart.

3. Star Wars: The Force Awakens

"Women always figure out the truth. Always."

Okay, so this isn't the most philosophical quote from this incredible movie . . . but it is the realest.

2. Spotlight

"If it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a village to abuse one."

Spotlight is a movie that sheds light on the past, asinine autonomy of the Catholic church and reveals secrets most never thought would float to the surface. With Academy-Award nominations and an all star cast, you should add this movie to your watch list (it's on Netflix).

1. Dope

"So, why do I want to attend Harvard? If I was white, would you even have to ask me that question?"

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