"Maddie…Baby’s got it going on." | The Odyssey Online
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23 Unforgettable 'Sweet Life Of Zach And Cody' Quotes To Flash You Back To 7th Grade

Warning: All of these quotes will make you flashback to your childhood.


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We've all seen the show of 'Sweet Life,' on Disney Channel that made us truly enjoy our childhood. Not only that, but we wished that Disney had stuck with its regular programming of the show. Many of the episodes made us just wish that we had an identical twin or even lived our lives in a hotel doing things as we pleased. Here are a few iconic quotes that will bring back a couple of memories:

"No problem, sweet thang"

Let's not forget that these twins were extremely smooth.

"Yay, me!"

We all desired to have Tipton's money and confidence honestly.

"Yeah I call it my 'I don't have a future so what's the point,' look."

Zach, I think we can all relate to that hands-down!

"This is Prince Bapalapashamalamadingdong."

The episode that made us want to prank call everybody.

"This is Princess Bapalapashamalamadingdong, where is my llama milk?"

...and let's not forget Maddie's part too.

"I've met bread smarter than you." 

Maddie was never afraid to say what's on her mind.

"You know, you kinda look like Zac Efron." 

The "Sweet Life" twist on "High School Musical" episode that confused all of us.

"Moseby, which of the following phrases seems most smartical?"

Remember Tipton, "smartical," isn't a word.

"My sister’s got a groom, I've got my own room." 

This should have been on Billboard's Top 20 list.

 "My married name is Ilsa Shicklgrubermeigervon Helsinger Kepelugerhoffer." 

This name should have broken a World Record for the longest name in history.

 "I'm here, your lives just got better." 

Zack was never afraid to show-off his confidence.

 "Oh! I know what genealogy is! It’s when you rub a lamp and get three wishes." 

Tipton made me believe that this was the true definition of "genealogy" this whole time.

 "You’ve got beautiful earlobes." 

We all longed for Carey to become Arwin's girlfriend.

 "Maddie…Baby’s got it going on." 

This episode would probably not run in today's society.

 "Take off the dress cuz I can’t hit a woman."

Zack was truly raised with the right morals.

 "Pish Posh" 

Esteban knew exactly how to imitate Mosby, when he lost his voice.

 "Hola little blonde peoples, I am here to clean the room." 

The episode of Zack and Cody entering an alternate universe was everyones' favorite.

 "Rockabye chicken...in the treetop…watch out for the farmer…your head he will chop." 

Well at least he tried to comfort them!

 Cody: Do you have the passkey? Zack: No I'm just gonna say ‘open sesame’ Of course I’ve got the passkey!

Let's not underestimate Zack's sassy-ness.

 "Ladies don't sweat, they glow." 

Preach it sister!!

 "Hi, you don’t know me, but were gonna be married." 

Tipton spills what we all feel for our crush, pretty much.

 "When I go online, I’m 24-year-old Britney!" 

We all secretly rooted for her.

 "No one calls Esteban Julio Ricardo Montoya Del Rosa Ramirez A Thief." 

Finally, let's not forget the iconic Esteban.

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