Loving something doesn't necessarily mean that everything revolves around it. Loving something means that you will always find your way to make it a part of everything you do. It's on your mind even when go shopping but not necessarily consuming your thoughts. Ideas for new articles and stories come to me when I clean my room or serve coffee at work. Creating new writings weekly soon begins to feel like an unwanted job instead of an aspiring career.
When in doubt ask your editor (if you have one) or random strangers to help generate fresh ideas. No one knows better what people want to read than the people who are reading. Ask yourself what information or advice you would like to read on one convenient page.
Change your regular routine. Meet new people and find yourself in various conversations. Allow them to show you new music or films. Allow yourself to listen and ask questions. Take different routes home. Venture in places that you've never been and allow your curiosity and imagination roam freely.
Put yourself in someone else's shoe and write out the type of life you think they have and the ways they would react. Give voice to those who are being kept quite or create a conversation to a topic that makes people uncomfortable or one that forces people to talk.
Read books that aren't typically in the genre you're used to consuming. Read news that catches your attention, even if it only lasted a second. Go back and read pages you missed on stories from last week.
Answer questions that you have always wondered or play out theories to mysteries.
Sometimes writing isn't the problem. Writing out an idea with structure and reason isn't what is keeping someone from creating but the blockage of ideas or better known as writer's block.