2. She randomly reaches out to see how you're doing | The Odyssey Online
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When You’re The Mom Friend Of The Group, Everyone Loves You For These 8 Reasons

If you have ever been called the mom friend of the group, find out why everyone loves you so much.

Friends show

For as long as I can remember, my friends have identified me as the mom friend of the group. This is the friend who makes sure everyone is taken care of, is always the biggest supporter, and is overall the mom outside of the house.

After careful consideration and a lot of surveying, I have identified the main 8 reasons everyone loves the mom friend of the group.

1. She is always cooking or baking for her friends.


In most cultures, mothers are typically always feeding their guests food and it is no different for the mom friend. Family dinners are a popular gathering amongst friends where they all get together, cook, eat, and just hang out. The mom friend is almost always responsible for putting on these special little events.

2. She randomly reaches out to see how you're doing


Whether she knows you are having a crappy day or a fantastic one, the mom friend is always checking in on you to see how you are doing. It could be a simple "Hey, how's your day going?" to "I miss you let's chat." Mom is always there to check in on you.

3. She is the most responsible one


The mom friend makes a check list of everything we could possibly need every time we go on an outing together. She has all the phone charges, an itinerary, and always has snacks.

4. She scolds you when you know you need it


As your parent outside the home, it is our job to make sure you know when you're making a bad choice or you have done something stupid. Yeah, it's annoying to hear it from your friend, but she really only wants what is best for you (and you know it).

5. She is your biggest fan


The mom friend is always the first person you text/call with good news. She expressed the most enthusiasm and always has something encouraging to say. She shows the most excitement when you achieve new goals and will always be there to cheer you on.

6. She is the best listener


Mothers are instinctively good listeners, and it is the same for the mom friend. She listens to what you have to say and uses active listening techniques to make sure you feel heard as she attempts to understand exactly how you are feeling. Active listening allows others to put themselves in your shoes.

7. She gives the best advice


Being a good listener and giving good advice usually goes hand-in-hand. When someone is a good listener, they are able to provide the best advice. She takes in all the information you give her and will work with you to find a solution to any problem you present to her.

8. She loves you with her whole heart


One of my personal beliefs as a mom friend, in order to truly be the mom of the group, your heart must know no bounds. The mom friend has a heart so big there is always room for everyone in her life. She cares and loves everyone she meets no questions asked. You will never feel unloved once you have found the mom friend.

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